Ask Why with Judd

Ask Why with Judd

Podcast by Judd Bantug

Join host and writer Judd Bantug in a faith-based conversation space that helps us empathize with our experiences by simply asking why. Follow @askwh...

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31 episodes
episode Why You Can Redesign Your Reality | EP 28 artwork
Why You Can Redesign Your Reality | EP 28

In a world where people settle with the reality in front of them, it’s empowering to know that there’s a God who gives us the faith to create our own. This episode is inspired by the preaching of Pastor Jonathan Sumido, where he spoke about creating your reality. And we thought of sharing a glimpse of it on the podcast, and let you, and the rest of the world hear it too.

23. jul. 2023 - 5 min
episode Why It's Okay to Ask for Help? | EP 27 artwork
Why It's Okay to Ask for Help? | EP 27

On asking for help, and asking without hesitation. Follow @askwhywithjudd.podcast on Facebook and Instagram and we’d love for you to part of our growing community. #EmpathizingWithOurExperiences

17. jun. 2023 - 5 min
episode Why There are Grit and Grace in Grief? | EP 26 artwork
Why There are Grit and Grace in Grief? | EP 26

I just find it odd that our Pastor passed away on a Sunday. I wonder if Sundays would still be the same without him. But despite the sadness of losing our spiritual father, his passing left a realization that in grief, grit and grace are present. Listen, and find out “Why There Are Grit and Grace in Grief.” #EmpathizingWithOurExperiences

20. maj 2023 - 7 min
episode Why We Should Be Rich in What Truly Matters? | EP 25 artwork
Why We Should Be Rich in What Truly Matters? | EP 25

When we are rich in kindness, empathy, integrity, and many other things you could not ever buy anywhere, I tell you, you are richer than you think. Listen, and find out, "Why We Should Be Rich in What Truly Matters."

21. feb. 2023 - 4 min
episode Why Deep Breathing is All You Need? | EP 24 artwork
Why Deep Breathing is All You Need? | EP 24

In this special New Year episode, we share a simple tip to make it through another year—just take a deep breath. Listen, and let us know your thoughts below!

03. jan. 2023 - 4 min
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