Beyond the Surface: Breaking a Stigma

Beyond the Surface: Breaking a Stigma

Podcast by Beau Rydalch

Podcast designed to allow people who struggle with Mental Illness to share their stories and subsequently allow others that struggle to relate.

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All episodes

21 episodes
episode Taking a Pause to Relieve Stress and Anxiety artwork
Taking a Pause to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Today we talk about the importance of self talk and the importance of reconnecting to the present moment. Our days are full of distractions and stressors so it is of the utmost importance that we allow ourselves time to slow down and reconnect to the present moment during our busy days. Learn about the importances of pausing and giving the mind a break. We talk about box breathing and join in practicing it with me.

23. aug. 2021 - 12 min
episode The Three Pillars: Mind, Body, Soul artwork
The Three Pillars: Mind, Body, Soul

The host, Beau Rydalch, shares the importance of taking care of our mental health, physical health, and spiritual health in order to find peace and happiness on a daily basis. The host shares personal experiences and also invites the listeners to practice different forms of self-care.

15. aug. 2021 - 12 min
episode Desires: Dare to Dream By Sedrick Barefield artwork
Desires: Dare to Dream By Sedrick Barefield

Sedrick Barefield shares the importance of having dreams and setting goals to achieve them. He emphasizes the importance of the mindsets we have when striving to achieve what we want throughout different steps of the process.

30. sep. 2020 - 10 min
episode Life Stories: Rachael Newkirk artwork
Life Stories: Rachael Newkirk

In this podcast, the host interviews Rachael Newkirk. They talk about Rachael's story of childhood, marriage, divorce, and what pushed her to the point of attempting suicide in early January. They also talk about what she has learned after being propelled forward from her rock bottom to become who she is today. They also touch on other topics such as social media, self-confidence, and the importance of doing what is best for ourselves as individuals.

11. sep. 2020 - 48 min
episode Finding Balance in Social Media Use artwork
Finding Balance in Social Media Use

In this episode, the host talks about the importance of using social media wisely. The podcast focuses on avoiding comparisons and seeking to find our individual forms of pure expression.

21. aug. 2020 - 12 min
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