Austria True Crime
Audiobook by Maximilian Zemke, Dave Grunewald, Stefanie Löschmann, Yvonne Widler, Adrian Langenscheid, Marie van den Boom, Benjamin Rickert, Lisa Bielec, Alexander Apeitos, Silvana Guanziroli
Germany's award-winning true crime author Adrian Langenscheid kindles heart-pounding reading pleasure with his shocking short stories about true Austrian crimes. It is a breath-taking and deeply harrowing portrait of human abysses that arouses tremendous emotions precisely because of its cool, factually neutral depictions. Ice-cold serial killers, fatal family dramas, tragic kidnappings, vile torture, and unscrupulous abuse: fourteen shocking true-crime short stories about true crime cases from Austria await you on 300 pages. Captivated, stunned, amazed, and moved to tears. You will question everything you think you know about human nature. Life writes horrifying stories, and this book sums them up. Dive into the shocking world of true criminal cases and real crimes! "The tenth book by Adrian Langenscheid proves that things are also pretty bloody in beautiful Austria. As always, riveting to the last page! Franziska Singer (Podcast "Darf's ein bisserl Mord sein?") "Morbid, bizarre, sad...goosebumps!" Leonie-Rachel Soyel (Podcast Couchgeflüster)
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