Black Box

Black Box

Podcast by The Guardian

At some point in the past few years, humanity collided with a new kind of intelligence. And things are getting strange. People are being accused of cr...

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8 episodes
episode Shut it down? artwork
Shut it down?

For decades, Eliezer Yudkowsky has been trying to warn the world about the dangers of AI. And now people are finally listening to him. But is it too late?

21. mar. 2024 - 41 min
episode The white mask artwork
The white mask

In January 2020, Robert Williams was arrested by Detroit police for a crime he had not committed. The officers were acting on a tip not from a witness or informant. In fact, not from a person at all

18. mar. 2024 - 36 min
episode Bing and I artwork
Bing and I

Two stories about the way AI could – in fact, already is – making the world better. In Montana, when Lee Johnson discovered his wife, Yokie, had cancer, he turned to AI – and was surprised by the answers he got. Meanwhile, in Massachusetts Prof Regina Barzilay’s experience with cancer has led her to build an AI system that can detect the disease years before a human

14. mar. 2024 - 42 min
episode Repocalypse now artwork
Repocalypse now

When Eugenia Kuyda created Replika, the AI companion app, she had no idea it would be downloaded millions of times all around the world. The results were more powerful than she could ever have predicted. But so was the backlash

11. mar. 2024 - 34 min
episode The hunt for ClothOff: the deepfake porn app artwork
The hunt for ClothOff: the deepfake porn app

For the past six months, Guardian journalist Michael Safi has been trying to find out who is behind an AI company that creates deepfakes. Deepfakes that are causing havoc around the world, with police and lawmakers baffled about how to deal with them. And in trying to answer one question, he has been left with a bigger one: is AI going to make it impossible to sort fact from fiction?

07. mar. 2024 - 45 min
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