Breece Creator Podcast

Breece Creator Podcast

Podcast by Lee Breece

Everyone is a creator. Listen to the podcast to learn something new, be inspired to create, and change the world.

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3 episodes
episode 23 - BE WHAT INSPIRES YOU artwork

YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE. School is rapidly coming to a close. It’s hard to believe I’m not a kid anymore. Does that give the right to give life advice? I’ll let you be the judge. I talk about laptop specs on the laptop I just bought, more analysis on the YouTube channel, and tons Email Breece Creator Podcast at

11. apr. 2018 - 44 min
episode 22 - The Story I Forgot to Tell artwork
22 - The Story I Forgot to Tell

Lee has a story he’s been wanting to share and he can’t believe he hasn’t talked about it yet, listen for that, Lee talks about his epic post lunch bike ride mistake, jerks at the mall, and some more YouTube channel debate for your listening pleasure. 4 most recent episodes on Soundcloud, iTunes, and Google Play. ALL episodes on Youtube and Email Breece Creator Podcast at

31. mar. 2018 - 44 min
episode 16 - MONDAY YOUTUBING artwork

Think you have what it takes to make it in the YouTube business? Let’s see how you feel after this projects over. I learned this week that I need a very nice computer and a lot of money, to buy the computer. In this project we’ll discuss those things in addition to some updates on my Columbia trip and an inspirational talk. As always great stories to share and ideas to talk about in this episode., 5 most recent episodes on Soundcloud and ITunes. ALL episodes on Youtube and

24. okt. 2017 - 49 min
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