Broadway Christian Church Sermons

Broadway Christian Church Sermons

Podcast by Pastor Ryan Cochran, Sr. Pastor

Current Sermons by Pastors Ryan Cochran and Symps Ndlovu, delivered from the pulpit of Broadway Christian Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana

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523 episodes
episode The Value of Small Groups artwork
The Value of Small Groups

Pastor Ryan prepares our congregation for our next semester's series (Study of Scripture) by reintroducing our fellow members, young and old, to the value and benefit that small groups has on a child of God's spiritual growth. The intimacy, vulnerability, honesty, accountability and nature the comes from such close contacts aids much in "being transformed by the renewing of your mind." We are NOT better alone-Gos made us to be better together. Romans 12:1, 2 is our Scripture passage for today.

25. aug. 2024 - 0
episode Sorrow and Joy artwork
Sorrow and Joy

Pastor Ryan concludes our short series on Esther with an impassioned discourse on Chapters 9 and 10. Sorrow, as the Jews knew of their fate at the hands of their enemies, who hated them so much. Joy, as God's providence once again is revealed, through Mordecai's edict for Israel to defend itself, and out of this comes the only festival created as exiles, Purim. We too are exiles, and experience sorrow in our failing world, but inexplicable joy with our Lord Jesus, who also will bring us home one day, as God led Israel back to Jerusalem.

18. aug. 2024 - 0
episode The Signet Ring artwork
The Signet Ring

One of Broadway's elders, Sage San Martin, guest preaches for us today, providing a startling exposé on the importance of King Xerxes' signet ring and the power this symbol had for Mordecai, granting him authority to do as the king's will dictates. Elder Sage also compares this as a type to our Lord Jesus, Who grants US His authority to act in His name. What power and privilege is extended to the Body of Christ!

11. aug. 2024 - 0
episode The Surprising Victory artwork
The Surprising Victory

We explore Chaps. 6 and 7 of Esther in today's sermon, a tale so full of God's direction and expressed purpose and Will that His name, though never spoken, is clearly stamped on every incident of this amazing turn-around of events. Pastor Ryan also compares the scaffold, intended for Mordecai, to the cross of Christ. In both cases, what was meant for the enemy's ultimate destruction, God turned it into His amazing, surprising victory of good over evil, vanquishing all malevolent intent that Satan had on His people, and on us! Praise God!

04. aug. 2024 - 0
episode The Wisdom of Esther artwork
The Wisdom of Esther

Pastor Symps shares from Esther Chap. 5. We focus on all the expressions of wisdom Esther demonstrated while prayerfully deliberating on how she was to save (i.e., on how GOD was going to save) her people, wisdom clearly given by our Lord God to her. What can we learn about the expression of God's wisdom in our times of tribulation?

28. jul. 2024 - 0
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