Can emerging technologies save the world? Hilary Term Seminar Series 2012

Can emerging technologies save the world? Hilary Term Seminar Series 2012

Podcast by Oxford University

This series of special events will provide a broad, cross-disciplinary understanding of some of the most critical challenges and opportunities in tran...

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2 episodes
episode Securing our cyber future - opportunities and risks when virtual meets reality artwork
Securing our cyber future - opportunities and risks when virtual meets reality

Panel discussion as part of the Hilary Term Seminar Series 2012. The continued growth of organized cybercrime, the deep alignment of business and IT, the rapid adoption of social networking tools and cloud-based services, and the blurring boundary between personal and work life, all make cyber security harder to understand yet of vital importance. The speed at which computer technology has advanced has brought with it tremendous opportunities as well as potentially catastrophic risks. How vulnerable are we and how can we manage the security risks associated with our computer age? Panel: Professor Sadie Creese, Professor of Cyber Security, University of Oxford Martin Sadler, Director of the Cloud and Security Lab at Hewlett Packard Greg Williams, Executive Editor, WIRED

22. feb. 2012 - 40 min
episode Emerging healthcare technologies - how are they changing us? artwork
Emerging healthcare technologies - how are they changing us?

Panel discussion - Hilary Term Seminar Series 2012. Directly targeting cancerous cells with treatments which do not damage surrounding healthy cells; using mobile phones to diagnose and treat ailments ranging from diabetes to heart problems; developing antibiotics which can overcome the capacity of bacteria to acquire antibiotic resistance... these are some of the new technological advancements in healthcare technology which are quickly replacing more traditional methods. As technology advances at an unforeseen pace, should we be wary of these changes and the governance issues they provoke? Or should we welcome them as the way forward?

20. jan. 2012 - 36 min
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