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Writer/composer/guitarist- AYUSH THAPAR❤️ All of us are running a rat race started by one piece of crack,and the name of the race is “KAMYAB”. The whole world wants to be a successful person that they are taught from birth”AGGAR TU PARDE GA NAHI TO KAYA KARE GA KAMYAB KESE BANE GA KUCH KARKE DIKHANA HAI NAA!!”. We Just hear them and try to be a successful person and then some seeds would grow and become big trees successful trees and some would die in the journey of being a tree because of weakness,guilt and shame. Life is not 100 m race like we all take it it is a Relay in which one has to wait for his or her turn and run as fast as one can and then stop. Then again wait for your turn and run when you think you are capable to. Don’t run behind someone who is out of your league as we all do. We hear things like” baccha teko pata sharma ji ka ladka 96% leke ayya tha pichle saal abb tu dekh” you should run in a league where there is only one person that is you. SELF COMPETE. Try to take your own records to be a better you. And just stop for once you’ll se the whole world running surround you...... This is for those who think they are a losser And those who think we are a losser. -Ayush thapar
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