Cozy Nook Explorers

Cozy Nook Explorers

Podcast by Jon Schaller and Jackie Reilly

Hosts Jackie Reilly and Jon Schaller are the world’s most comfortable explorers (self proclaimed). They present to you a podcast where they travel the...

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All episodes

35 episodes
episode 34. The Louvre artwork
34. The Louvre

Répondez s'il vous plait to the invitation to join Jackie and Jon in their exploration of the Louvre in Paris, France.  They will discuss the hilarious portrait of King Henry the Good, marvel at “Lady Side Eye”, and gossip about a girl making butter. Jackie Reilly: Host Jon Schaller: Host Charles: Producer Instagram: @cozynookexplorers Email: Community Shoutout: Restaurants du Cœur [] Coluche Comedy [][] Mentioned In This Episode: The Louvre Website [] Treasures of the Louvre (BBC) [] Beyoncé and Jay-Z Music Video *not kid friendly* [] Mona Lisa In Camelot (Book) [] Paysanne Du Pays Basque (Lady Side Eye) [] Le Barratage Du Lait (The Churning Of The Milk) [] Portrait of Henry IV [] ** 1 Disneyland = 500 acres **

25. maj 2021 - 34 min
episode 33. Omaha, Nebraska artwork
33. Omaha, Nebraska

Relax with Jackie and Jon as they take a look around Omaha, Nebraska.  They will discuss the work ethic of Rose Blumkin, meet a bridge named Bob, and talk of the melodious singing voice of Warren Buffet. Jackie Reilly: Host Jon Schaller: Host Charles: Producer Instagram: @cozynookexplorers Email: Community Shoutout: Omaha Children's Museum [] Mentioned In This Episode: Omaha Tourism Website [] Old Market [] Bob The Bridge [] Joslyn Castle [] Joslyn Art Museum [] The Durham Museum [] Modern Love Restaurant [] ** 1 Disneyland = 500 acres **

26. mar. 2021 - 25 min
episode 32. American Samoa artwork
32. American Samoa

Join Jon and Jackie as they travel below the equator to the great islands of American Samoa!  They will celebrate John Martin Poyer, figure out what a “coral atoll” is, and rail against the concept of non-citizen nationals. Jackie Reilly: Host Jon Schaller: Host Charles: Producer Instagram: @cozynookexplorers Email: Music: What A Wonderful Day by Shane Ivers - [] Outdoors In Summer by Shane Ivers- [] Community Shoutout: National Park Foundation [] Mentioned In This Episode: ACLU - Non Citizen Nationals [ ]National Park Of American Samoa [] ** 1 Disneyland = 500 acres **

03. mar. 2021 - 29 min
episode 31. Cape Town, South Africa artwork
31. Cape Town, South Africa

Explore with Jackie and Jon as they embark on their virtual journey to Cape Town, South Africa.  They will search for cozy penguins, storm the V&A waterfront, and eat Bunny Chow!  Go Nelson Mandela!! Jackie Reilly: Host Jon Schaller: Host Charles: Producer Instagram: @cozynookexplorers Email: Music: Piano Romantisme by Shane Ivers - [] WOAH by Shane Ivers - [] Community Shoutout: Nelson Mandela Children's Fund [] Mentioned In This Episode: Truth (Coffee Shop) [] Bunny Chow [ 0077] ** 1 Disneyland = 500 acres **

18. feb. 2021 - 27 min
episode 30. Page, Arizona artwork
30. Page, Arizona

Ride the Colorado River with Jon and Jackie as they embark on an expedition to Paige, Arizona.  They will talk of the deeds of explorer Major John Wesley Powell, converse about the joys of Lake Powell, and clarify that Glen Canyon is a canyon. Jackie Reilly: Host Jon Schaller: Host Charles: Producer Instagram: @cozynookexplorers Email: Music: Robotertanz by Shane Ivers - [] Moments by Shane Ivers - [] Community Shoutout: Peaks, Plateaus, and Canyons Association [] Grand Canyon: 100 Years Of Stories [] Mentioned In This Episode: Arizona Tourism Website [] Best Arizona Slot Canyons [] Glamping In A Covered Wagon [ ] Lake Powell Marina Village [ ] Powell: From The Depths of the Grand Canyon (National Geographic) [ ] ** 1 Disneyland = 500 acres **

03. feb. 2021 - 26 min
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