

Podcast by CranialMeltdown

Literally no point to this but sharing my random thoughts and venting the occasional academic frustration.

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All episodes

12 episodes
episode Bank Shots artwork
Bank Shots

In which Doug and I have another fireside chat, this time about Echo Arena virtual weightless robot ultimate frisbee, multiplayer game coding, and some good and bad experiences with banking in Germany.

03. nov. 2021 - 18 min
episode Cheet Sheets artwork
Cheet Sheets

In which Jon prattles on about a Biology class that had a really positive impact on both his academic and social careers.

16. mar. 2021 - 21 min
episode Recollections on the Rooftop artwork
Recollections on the Rooftop

In a very... umm... diverse?... episode, we again convene on the rooftop while Doug participates in an ham radio group check-in. While he set ups, we chat about our academic performance, helicopters arriving at the UNC hospital rooftop, and mentors that we've had in our lives.

19. jan. 2021 - 19 min
episode Archeology and Home Repair artwork
Archeology and Home Repair

William goes on to share more historical expertise while Jon gets up to go fix some siding that is drooping on the side of his house. Good thing it's Dry January, because he thought it was a good idea to get up on a ladder and do it after dark.

14. jan. 2021 - 17 min
episode Wine Connoisseurs, Roll Out! artwork
Wine Connoisseurs, Roll Out!

William tells us what very much more than a little he knows about wine, and I manage to cram a Transformers reference in there somehow.

14. jan. 2021 - 21 min
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