Creative Culture Podcast

Creative Culture Podcast

Podcast by Justin Dauer

The podcast of the book Cultivating a Creative Culture. Tune in for engaging conversations with thought leaders and beacons of healthy, dynamic cultur...

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4 episodes
episode Wendy Nyx & Brooke Coe artwork
Wendy Nyx & Brooke Coe

Agency culture has its own unique traits. The trials and tribulations of some of the more negative dynamics led Justin to write "Resetting Agency Culture" for A List Apart, which ultimately became the impetus for the book. That said, some agencies do get it right: people-first, humble leadership, and a culture that supports and propels not only incredible work, but acts as organic marketing for new business. Wendy Nyx (creative partner at agency Primitive Spark) and Brooke Coe (former Primitive Spark teammate) articulate how establishing and thriving within a creative culture—particularly in one that's largely comprised of remote employees—is achievable and sustainable.

15. feb. 2020 - 44 min
episode Amy Thibodeau artwork
Amy Thibodeau

Amy is the Director of UX for Shopify's platform team, led the launch of their design system "Polaris", and was one of the first content strategists on Facebook's design team. She is also a humble, human-centered, selfless leader who supports her team's passion above all.

27. maj 2018 - 42 min
episode Veronica Fossa artwork
Veronica Fossa

Justin and Jason talk with Veronica Fossa about her business, WE Factory. WE Factory designs food experiences / programs / conferences for organizations to boost community and augment creative culture.

29. jan. 2018 - 44 min
episode Jaan Orvet artwork
Jaan Orvet

Jaan Orvet joins us for the premiere episode of the Creative Culture Podcast to talk Swedish culture, design thinking, and humility above all else.

01. jun. 2017 - 42 min
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