Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Gratis podcast

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History

Podcast af Dan Carlin

In "Hardcore History" journalist and broadcaster Dan Carlin takes his "Martian", unorthodox way of thinking and applies it to the past. Was Alexander the Great as bad a person as Adolf Hitler? What would Apaches with modern weapons be like? Will our modern civilization ever fall like civilizations from past eras? This isn't academic history (and Carlin isn't a historian) but the podcast's unique blend of high drama, masterful narration and Twilight Zone-style twists has entertained millions of listeners. 

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Alle episoder

16 episoder
episode Show 71 - Mania for Subjugation artwork
Show 71 - Mania for Subjugation
What's the recipe for making a historically world-class apex predator? In the case of Alexander the Great, it might be the three Ns: Nature, Nurture, and Nepotism.
07. jun. 2024 - 4 h 11 min
episode Show 70 - Twilight of the Aesir II artwork
Show 70 - Twilight of the Aesir II
Pagan Viking Sea Kings spend the 10th and 11th centuries morphing into Christian monarchs. But with rulers like Harald Bluetooth and Svein Forkbeard it's debatable whether things will be any less horrific for Scandinavia's neighbors
19. nov. 2023 - 6 h 23 min
episode Show 69 - Twilight of the Aesir artwork
Show 69 - Twilight of the Aesir
This show picks up where Dan's Thor's Angels show left off. In the early Middle Ages Pagan Germanic-language speakers like the Vikings are a dying breed. Many of their contemporaries wish they'd die faster.
15. jan. 2023 - 5 h 10 min
episode Show 68 - BLITZ Human Resources artwork
Show 68 - BLITZ Human Resources
The Atlantic Slave Trade mixes centuries of human bondage with violence, economics, commerce, geo-political competition, liberty, morality, injustice, revolution, tragedy and bloody reckonings. That sounds like a lot, yet this show merely scratches the surface of this enormous subject.
07. mar. 2022 - 5 h 39 min
episode Show 67 - Supernova in the East VI artwork
Show 67 - Supernova in the East VI
When do spirit, tenacity, resilience and bravery cross into madness? When cities are incinerated? When suicide attacks become the norm? When atomic weapons are used? Japan's leaders test the limits of national endurance in the war's last year.
08. jun. 2021 - 5 h 45 min
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