Dirtgoat Permaculture Podcast

Dirtgoat Permaculture Podcast

Podcast by Teddy Mattson

Experience and study based insights for real world practical permaculture understanding and skills, with a healthy dose of philosophy, humor and holis...

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8 episodes
episode Episode 8 2021 Reflections artwork
Episode 8 2021 Reflections

A recap of the 2021 year of all things permaculture in my life from expanding the homestead to working for clients, teaching classes, forming work party groups and engaging in the community to co-create a healthier human culture. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/teddy-mattson/support [https://anchor.fm/teddy-mattson/support]

23. jan. 2022 - 1 h 24 min
episode Permaculture and...Food, Diet, Growing and Cooking artwork
Permaculture and...Food, Diet, Growing and Cooking

An exploration of how, what and why we eat what we do and how this relates to, and can be informed by permaculture. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/teddy-mattson/support [https://anchor.fm/teddy-mattson/support]

15. apr. 2021 - 1 h 36 min
episode Permaculture How-to: Practice, Skills, Tools and Experience artwork
Permaculture How-to: Practice, Skills, Tools and Experience

How to begin, grow, and develop your skills, knowledge and experience in permaculture to find you niche in the ecosystem of a regenerative humanity --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/teddy-mattson/support [https://anchor.fm/teddy-mattson/support]

25. mar. 2021 - 1 h 3 min
episode Strategies, methods and techniques of Permaculture for gardening, homesteading and farming artwork
Strategies, methods and techniques of Permaculture for gardening, homesteading and farming

An overview of many terms, concepts and practices within Permaculture that can be applied to varying scales of food production. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/teddy-mattson/support [https://anchor.fm/teddy-mattson/support]

16. mar. 2021 - 1 h 41 min
episode Permaculture Time-Space Rhythms and Living the Design artwork
Permaculture Time-Space Rhythms and Living the Design

Using permaculture ethics, principles and goals to create a lens through which to view your life- recognizing, adapting and designing behavior patterns to more holistically integrate and optimize yourself into your environment to create a permaculture life-way. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/teddy-mattson/support [https://anchor.fm/teddy-mattson/support]

08. mar. 2021 - 52 min
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