Dr.Knu2ns - Music Producer
Podcast by Quinn Knudsen A.K.A Dr.Knu2ns (Doctor "New" Tunes)
Drag queen music producer.
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26 episodesA smooth celestial dance track with a big synth hook.
Retro anthem inspired track. Fast paced with dance beat. Fast arp retro synth line with groovy retro sounding saxophone riff during dance break. Original full instrumental. Looking for female vocalist and real sax track if possible.
Retro sounding dance track. Hard hitting kick drum at high tempo with quick synth melodies. Looking for female vocals.
Looking for female vocalists to fit this glam disco jam. Heavy high energy bass riff with airy glamorous synth breaks.
Music from my short film! Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqPwAQLtVzc&t=601s
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