Fluffy Town

Fluffy Town

Podcast by Yamina Nater

Whether you're a new fan or you've rewatched Community multiple times you'll want to join host Yamina in Fluffy Town.

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All episodes

37 episodes
episode Podcast Blackout artwork
Podcast Blackout

Trayvon Martin - Tamir Rice - Michael Brown - Eric Garner - Sandra Bland - Freddie Gray - Alton Sterling - Philando Castile - Botham Jean - Atatiana Jefferson - Ahmaud Arbery - Doug Lewis - Breonna Taylor - George Floyd Black Lives Matter

01. jun. 2020 - 1 min
episode 25 - Part 2 - Hiiiiiii! artwork
25 - Part 2 - Hiiiiiii!

In part 2 of Yamina and Jaime discuss Pascal's Triangle revisited they recap the episode, try to figure out why anyone does any of the things they do in this episode, and they get real about what it means to be a flawed human being. Hope you've enjoyed season 1! Make sure to rate, review, subscribe and tell your friends.

21. maj 2020 - 1 h 23 min
episode 25 - Not Much Could Ruin Today artwork
25 - Not Much Could Ruin Today

In the first of 2 episodes Yamina is joined by Jaime and they discuss Communicon, why Pierce isn't the worst (though he's not the best) and the importance of the Dean's open queerness. Make sure to come back next week for more conversation on Pascal's Triangle Revisited

15. maj 2020 - 33 min
episode 24 - Alert Nerd! artwork
24 - Alert Nerd!

It's the penultimate episode of season 1 and so we're talking about English as a Second Language. Yamina is on her own this time as she discusses Good Will Hunting and Jeff's great life advice.

06. maj 2020 - 20 min
episode Bonus - Tell Your Disappointment to Suck It! I'm Doing a Bottle Minisode - 8 artwork
Bonus - Tell Your Disappointment to Suck It! I'm Doing a Bottle Minisode - 8

In this minisode Yamina is talking about Elizabeth Holmes, the Theranos founder. That's right, we're talking about grifts again! And this is a very recent grist that feels surprisingly relevant given current situations. Make sure to Rate, Review and Subscribe.

26. apr. 2020 - 13 min
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