Podcast by GACHAPOD

Join us as we look into some of the weirdest and most wonderful parts of popular culture, as we cover comic books, Japanese culture, video games, film...

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episode Won't Somebody Think of the Children? - The History of the BBFC and Video Nasties, Part Two artwork
Won't Somebody Think of the Children? - The History of the BBFC and Video Nasties, Part Two

In the second part of this series, we discuss the arrival of a frightening new medium, the video cassette recorder! We'll talk about how a media frenzy also helped ban a selection of horror movies, resulting in prison sentences, police raids and the rise of a new black market! Despite our intrigue, please do not seek out Texas Vibrator Massacre.

22. aug. 2022 - 57 min
episode It's Only A Movie - The History of the BBFC and Video Nasties, Part One artwork
It's Only A Movie - The History of the BBFC and Video Nasties, Part One

In this episode, we'll be discussing the history of the British Board of Film Classification, and the emergence of the video nasty! We examine the beginnings of the BBFC, along with Hammer, James Bond, delinquent teenagers, and somehow, the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles. We may even talk about the Daily Mail and old fuddy-duddy bigots, which may not surprise anyone. Thanks to the BBFC though, we've been marked as safe from violent sausage-nunchuk gangs.

08. aug. 2022 - 1 h 0 min
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