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9 episodesIn this episode, Jose will examine how the indispensable figure of the Devil, Lucifer, Mefistofeles The Prince of Darkness came to be. He is barely mentioned in the canonical books of the Bible, In Isaiah, in Job and his role is murky and controversial. In the Christian Scriptures, he is seen as tempting Christ but is a menacing figure behind the scenes until a fiery end. He is called Iblis in Islam but who or what is he. We will argue that he is a necessary component in monotheism but has been developed outside the Bible- in Persian Dualism, Gnosticism, Apocryphal books – the Book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilees and in the Gospel of Adam and Eve. Finally, he owes much to literature Dante’s Divine Comedy and John Milton’s Paradise Lost. Get ready for the ride and like a present age Dante let us be your Virgil and get ready to explore the murky truth of Hell
Confederate General James Longstreet, who was decisive in his opposition to fighting the Battle of Gettysburg on July 1,2 and 3rd 1863. In light that we are not only commemorating the Fourth of July, we should also acknowledge the greatest battle fought on American soil, Gettysburg on July 1,2 and 3rd 1863. Consequently, in this episode will examine the life and career of Confederate General James Longstreet- whom Jose considers the “best Corps Commander on either side in the Civil War,” Victor of Fredericksburg, Chickamagua and who almost turned the tide at the Wilderness. Longstreet vehemently opposed Lee’s decision to attack at Gettysburg and as a result was criticized but he became a pariah in the south for becoming a Republican and supporter of Reconstruction- yes bet you didn’t see that coming. History my friends is nothing else if not surprising!
In this episode, we turn to modern mythology the Marvel Universe. Thanks to Stan Lee, Jack “King” Kirby, Steve Ditko and Jim Starlin- we have a marvelous, pun intended, new mythology. Jose and I will discuss the nature of that mythology- which has from the very beginning incorporated mythological pantheons and Gods while incorporating new archetypes and concepts following Jungian patterns and the Hero’s voyage. Get ready nerds, nuff said and Excelsior
In this episode, José and special guest Carl discuss J.R.R. Tolkien’s mythological background and foundation for The Lord of the Rings and its Middle-earth, his life’s work, The Silmarillion. They will explore the quality and validity of The Silmarillion as a coherent and credible modern mythology and secondary epic. The nuance of its ideas, complexities, themes, morals, and inspirations will be discussed.
This episode will examine the life and career of one of the most influential of the Founding Fathers, Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804). As a young military aide to George Washington, he impressed the Commander in Chief with his organizational brilliance while craving military glory. He went on to support the US Constitution by coauthoring the Federalist Papers, particularly Federalist 78 on the judiciary. Hamilton was the first Secretary of the Treasury and reorganized the American economy on the basis of three brilliant reports to the Congress. He was detested by Thomas Jefferson who called the self made Hamilton an elitist. Hamilton was also the protagonist of the first government sex scandal in US history dealing with it in a most interesting way. Join us on this episode and enjoy the ride!
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