Homeschool to the Nines

Homeschool to the Nines

Podcast by April Lesh

Christianity, culture, comedy, cooking, cleaning, classics— and where it all intersects— in creating home and cultivating children’s soul.

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All episodes

4 episodes
episode What in the World Can I Do? artwork
What in the World Can I Do?

Encouragement for Christian mothers: Live fearlessly. Train your children in discernment and truth, entrusting their souls to the sovereign God. You are raising warriors for Christ!

27. aug. 2021 - 16 min
episode Nine Reasons to Homeschool artwork
Nine Reasons to Homeschool

Our top nine reasons for why we love schooling at home!

12. jul. 2021 - 29 min
episode Meal Planning Survival Strategies artwork
Meal Planning Survival Strategies

Welcome to my podcast! In episode one, I share an introduction to our family, an honest admission of my prior struggles in food preparation, and my current meal planning survival tips! Listen to learn how I am finally thriving— not just surviving— as I fill those hungry little bellies every single day!

17. jun. 2021 - 23 min
episode Homeschool to the Nines—Trailer artwork
Homeschool to the Nines—Trailer

Christianity, culture, cooking, cleaning, classics— and where it all intersects— in the creating of home and the cultivating of children’s souls.

14. jun. 2021 - 53 s
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