How to find rare birds

How to find rare birds

Podcast by Niels Goulem

Looking for rare birds really is an amazing and fun way of spending your time. But it's also a tricky one, as many try but few actually succeed in fi...

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2 episodes
episode How to find rare birds - Kenny Hessel (NL & EN) artwork
How to find rare birds - Kenny Hessel (NL & EN)

In this second episode, we sit together with Kenny, another one of the Belgian titans. Kenny is truly a purebred birder and rarity finder, and I must say I got hugely inspired from his appearance in the podcast. Don't be fooled by his apparent humility when he speaks, in the one hour we shared together, I can already feel he turned me into a better birder than the one I was before. Also, I had a lot of fun noticing the obvious similarities and striking differences between Johan's answers to our questions and Kenny's. For us Belgian birders, I can say we're very lucky to have them both birding together in the same country. One big similarity between the two has a name, and that name was Gunther Vergauwen. Enjoy!!

17. apr. 2021 - 39 min
episode How to find rare birds - Johan Buckens (NL & EN) artwork
How to find rare birds - Johan Buckens (NL & EN)

Looking for rare birds is a very fun way of spending your time when you're birding, but finding them is tricky, and something only few birders succeed in. Today, Johan - a Belgian super finder - tells us his side of the story. Listen carefully as he shares some of his knowledge with us, and take us through his own history in the birding world.

13. mar. 2021 - 51 min
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