Kirk Students

Kirk Students

Podcast by Kirk Students

Kirk Students is the Student Ministry of Kirk of the Hills in Tulsa, OK

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All episodes

76 episodes
episode 3.8.23 // Faith (Caroline Connor) artwork
3.8.23 // Faith (Caroline Connor)

Caroline talks about the two components of faith; perspective and courage. She touches on how having focus and willingness to take a step of Faith can go a long way. Scriptures are from Deuteronomy 31:6 and Ephesians 5:8-11.

09. mar. 2023 - 11 min
episode 2.16.23 // Exclusive Drop - Growth > Perfection artwork
2.16.23 // Exclusive Drop - Growth > Perfection

Madison Lackey // Week 3 is all about fighting the lies that we need to be perfect. When we reject the expectation of perfection, we see the freedom we have to grow in Christ.  Philippians 1:6-9

16. feb. 2023 - 23 min
episode 2.15.23 // Exclusive Drop - Real or Cake? artwork
2.15.23 // Exclusive Drop - Real or Cake?

Katelyn Adams // Katelyn opens up week 2 with the Netflix hit show "Is it cake?" (This part is cut off in the audio!) And we spend the evening asking: are you real or are you cake (fake)? And why does it matter? What if Paul only believed the story about who he was, and who people told him to be? Are you believing the stories other people are writing for you?  Acts 9:1, Galatians 2:20

15. feb. 2023 - 18 min
episode 2.1.23 // Exclusive Drop - How does God see you? artwork
2.1.23 // Exclusive Drop - How does God see you?

Madison Lackey // Madison kicks off a series on identity by combating the idea that we need approval from everyone in order to have value in God's eyes, or our own. Do you struggle with feelings of worthiness? Let's reject the lies and tell ourselves the truth: you are a child of God. You are made in His image.   1 John 3:1, Genesis 1:27

05. feb. 2023 - 13 min
episode 1.25.23 // Stay Humble (Abby Zemanek) artwork
1.25.23 // Stay Humble (Abby Zemanek)

Abby Zemanek // Abby brings the WORD on humility. She shares insight on Jesus' example of humility, and why God chooses to include us in his story, when he doesn't need us. Scriptures are from Luke 23:32-33 and Genesis 15:17-18.

26. jan. 2023 - 17 min
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