Led by Life The Podcast
Podcast by Led by Life
A deep dive into the human experience, with Rafaela Buenaventura and Hannah Weir. We’re two Manifestors, sharing our unique journeys of self discovery...
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39 episodesIn today's episode we’re exploring the 38th Gene Key and Human Design gate. The Gate of the Fighter, Shadow of Struggle, Gift of Perseverance and Siddhi of Honour. We explore the different frequencies of this energetic expression and how each of us relates to this language and human experience. We're so pleased to have you join us as we embark on this journey together and we hope you enjoy listening! Find us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ledbylifepod [https://www.instagram.com/ledbylifepod] https://www.instagram.com/rafaelabuena_ [https://www.instagram.com/rafaelabuena_] https://www.instagram.com/_hannahweir_ [https://www.instagram.com/_hannahweir_] You can find more about The Gene Keys at: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblFMYWhfMkFvaEkzWk1nekFLVXE2MFM3VEFjQXxBQ3Jtc0trNE54Uk0wNU9Pc3RXdXl4YTRrV0R2LTRkTGptSlpxbkdHNFY1SVNFODczbXItWWE2M21QR09TR3NaUjhwZVlFTWpCWnZEdGtGTjJEeERQVlVncVdOQmVCZWd3QmJTbHhmV2poc25oaWFxWElsUHFRQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgenekeys.com%2F&v=sWRpxIpw0Eohttps://genekeys.com/ [https://genekeys.com/] And to look up your Human Design Chart go to https://www.mybodygraph.com [https://www.mybodygraph.com/] About us: We’re two ego Manifestors, sharing our unique journeys of self discovery, exploration and love, and what it means to let life lead the way. After connecting through a shared interest in Human Design and the Gene Keys, we couldn’t ignore how life was inviting us to collaborate with one another. And so, Led By Life was created, as a way to share our stories, insights and lessons as we dive even deeper into the energetics of life.
Welcome to another episode of Led By Life The Podcast! In today's episode we’re exploring the 37th Gene Key and Human Design gate. The Gate of Friendship, Shadow of Weakness, Gift of Equality and Siddhi of Tenderness. We explore the different frequencies of this energetic expression and how each of us relates to this language and human experience. We're so pleased to have you join us as we embark on this journey together and we hope you enjoy listening! Find us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ledbylifepod [https://www.instagram.com/ledbylifepod] https://www.instagram.com/rafaelabuena_ [https://www.instagram.com/rafaelabuena_] https://www.instagram.com/_hannahweir_ [https://www.instagram.com/_hannahweir_] You can find more about The Gene Keys at: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblFMYWhfMkFvaEkzWk1nekFLVXE2MFM3VEFjQXxBQ3Jtc0trNE54Uk0wNU9Pc3RXdXl4YTRrV0R2LTRkTGptSlpxbkdHNFY1SVNFODczbXItWWE2M21QR09TR3NaUjhwZVlFTWpCWnZEdGtGTjJEeERQVlVncVdOQmVCZWd3QmJTbHhmV2poc25oaWFxWElsUHFRQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgenekeys.com%2F&v=sWRpxIpw0Eohttps://genekeys.com/ [https://genekeys.com/] And to look up your Human Design Chart go to https://www.mybodygraph.com [https://www.mybodygraph.com/] About us: We’re two ego Manifestors, sharing our unique journeys of self discovery, exploration and love, and what it means to let life lead the way. After connecting through a shared interest in Human Design and the Gene Keys, we couldn’t ignore how life was inviting us to collaborate with one another. And so, Led By Life was created, as a way to share our stories, insights and lessons as we dive even deeper into the energetics of life.
In today's episode we’re exploring the 36th Gene Key and the Human Design gate. The Gate of Crisis, Shadow of Turbulence, Gift of Humility and Siddhi of Compassion. We explore the different frequencies of this energetic expression and how each of us relates to this language and human experience. We're so pleased to have you join us as we embark on this journey together and we hope you enjoy listening! Find us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ledbylifepod [https://www.instagram.com/ledbylifepod] https://www.instagram.com/rafaelabuena_ [https://www.instagram.com/rafaelabuena_] https://www.instagram.com/_hannahweir_ [https://www.instagram.com/_hannahweir_] You can find more about The Gene Keys at: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblFMYWhfMkFvaEkzWk1nekFLVXE2MFM3VEFjQXxBQ3Jtc0trNE54Uk0wNU9Pc3RXdXl4YTRrV0R2LTRkTGptSlpxbkdHNFY1SVNFODczbXItWWE2M21QR09TR3NaUjhwZVlFTWpCWnZEdGtGTjJEeERQVlVncVdOQmVCZWd3QmJTbHhmV2poc25oaWFxWElsUHFRQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgenekeys.com%2F&v=sWRpxIpw0Eohttps://genekeys.com/ [https://genekeys.com/] And to look up your Human Design Chart go to https://www.mybodygraph.com [https://www.mybodygraph.com/] About us: We’re two ego Manifestors, sharing our unique journeys of self discovery, exploration and love, and what it means to let life lead the way. After connecting through a shared interest in Human Design and the Gene Keys, we couldn’t ignore how life was inviting us to collaborate with one another. And so, Led By Life was created, as a way to share our stories, insights and lessons as we dive even deeper into the energetics of life.
Welcome to another episode of Led By Life The Podcast! In today's episode we’re exploring the 35th Gene Key and the Human Design gate. The Gate of Change, Shadow of Hunger, Gift of Adventure and Siddhi of Boundlessness. We explore the different frequencies of this energetic expression and how each of us relates to this language and human experience. We're so pleased to have you join us as we embark on this journey together and we hope you enjoy listening! Find us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ledbylifepod [https://www.instagram.com/ledbylifepod] https://www.instagram.com/rafaelabuena_ [https://www.instagram.com/rafaelabuena_] https://www.instagram.com/_hannahweir_ [https://www.instagram.com/_hannahweir_] You can find more about The Gene Keys at: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblFMYWhfMkFvaEkzWk1nekFLVXE2MFM3VEFjQXxBQ3Jtc0trNE54Uk0wNU9Pc3RXdXl4YTRrV0R2LTRkTGptSlpxbkdHNFY1SVNFODczbXItWWE2M21QR09TR3NaUjhwZVlFTWpCWnZEdGtGTjJEeERQVlVncVdOQmVCZWd3QmJTbHhmV2poc25oaWFxWElsUHFRQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgenekeys.com%2F&v=sWRpxIpw0Eohttps://genekeys.com/ [https://genekeys.com/] And to look up your Human Design Chart go to https://www.mybodygraph.com [https://www.mybodygraph.com/] About us: We’re two ego Manifestors, sharing our unique journeys of self discovery, exploration and love, and what it means to let life lead the way. After connecting through a shared interest in Human Design and the Gene Keys, we couldn’t ignore how life was inviting us to collaborate with one another. And so, Led By Life was created, as a way to share our stories, insights and lessons as we dive even deeper into the energetics of life.
Welcome to another episode of Led By Life The Podcast! In today's episode we’re exploring the 34th Gene Key and the Human Design gate. The Gate of Power, Shadow of Force, Gift of Strength and Siddhi of Majesty. We explore the different frequencies of this energetic expression and how each of us relates to this language and human experience. We're so pleased to have you join us as we embark on this journey together and we hope you enjoy listening! Find us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ledbylifepod [https://www.instagram.com/ledbylifepod] https://www.instagram.com/rafaelabuena_ [https://www.instagram.com/rafaelabuena_] https://www.instagram.com/_hannahweir_ [https://www.instagram.com/_hannahweir_] You can find more about The Gene Keys at: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblFMYWhfMkFvaEkzWk1nekFLVXE2MFM3VEFjQXxBQ3Jtc0trNE54Uk0wNU9Pc3RXdXl4YTRrV0R2LTRkTGptSlpxbkdHNFY1SVNFODczbXItWWE2M21QR09TR3NaUjhwZVlFTWpCWnZEdGtGTjJEeERQVlVncVdOQmVCZWd3QmJTbHhmV2poc25oaWFxWElsUHFRQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgenekeys.com%2F&v=sWRpxIpw0Eohttps://genekeys.com/ [https://genekeys.com/] And to look up your Human Design Chart go to https://www.mybodygraph.com [https://www.mybodygraph.com/] About us: We’re two ego Manifestors, sharing our unique journeys of self discovery, exploration and love, and what it means to let life lead the way. After connecting through a shared interest in Human Design and the Gene Keys, we couldn’t ignore how life was inviting us to collaborate with one another. And so, Led By Life was created, as a way to share our stories, insights and lessons as we dive even deeper into the energetics of life.
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