Living Clarity
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Living Clarity

Podcast af Kadampa Buddhism

Welcome to Kadampa podcasts, where we explore the art of living a happier and more fulfilling life through the teachings and meditations of Kadampa Buddhism. Buddhism is a philosophy and way of life that has been practiced for centuries, and its principles can be applied to our modern world to help us navigate the challenges of daily life with greater ease and compassion. In these podcasts, we'll delve into the core concepts of Buddhist meditation, such as mindfulness, compassion, and wisdom, and explore how they can be applied to our daily lives to cultivate a greater sense of peace, clarity and happiness. Each episode is an inspiring extract taken from a teaching given by various Kadampa Buddhist meditation teachers worldwide. Whether you're new to Buddhism or have been practicing for years, these podcasts are for anyone looking to live a more peaceful and fulfilling life. So join us on this journey of self-discovery and transformation as we explore the timeless wisdom of Buddhism and its practical applications for modern living. 

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Alle episoder

54 episoder
episode Inner Development artwork
Inner Development
Join Gen-la Dekyong as she invites us to ponder profound questions that shape our lives. What is the true meaning of our existence? What brings us genuine happiness? How can we best serve others? And as we approach the end of our lives, what insights will guide us? Can you find the answers within yourself? Tune in to discover valuable insights and reflections that could transform your perspective. This podcast is based on a talk given by Gen-la Dekyong at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre
09. sep. 2024 - 17 min
episode What is distraction? artwork
What is distraction?
Distractions often go unnoticed, yet they pose a significant barrier to our peace of mind, happiness, and spiritual growth. Hence, it is essential for us to learn how to minimize these distractions. In a talk given at the NKT International Summer Festival, Gen-la Jampa discusses the impact of distractions on our lives and offers guidance on cultivating a strong resolve to overcome them. By making this decision we can stop mental clutter, attain a state of inner peace, and advance on our spiritual journey. This explanation was based on the book How to Understand the Mind [] by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
26. aug. 2024 - 10 min
episode Painful Feelings artwork
Painful Feelings
Painful feelings are simply some bad weather in the mind. They are impermanent and will pass quickly if we don’t focus on them. In this podcast Gen Zamling shows how to use the analogy of a thunderstorm in the sky having no power to destroy us, to free our mind from painful feelings and be at peace. An extract from a teaching given in KMC Chicago based on the book How to Solve our Human Problems [] by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
08. jul. 2024 - 19 min
episode Recognising causes of distraction and pain artwork
Recognising causes of distraction and pain
In this podcast Gen Menla gives some encouragement to train in watching our mind so that we will be able to carry our calm centre with us. He goes on to focus on the delusion of self-cherishing, which constantly disturbs our mind and is the biggest obstacle to our happiness. This is an extract from a teaching given at KMC Texas based on the book The New Eight Steps to Happiness [] by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
02. jul. 2024 - 18 min
episode I myself must make myself happy artwork
I myself must make myself happy
A great introduction to why Buddhists say that happiness depends on the mind. In this podcast Gen Demo explains that we can understand from our own experience that our happiness must depend on our mind. She uses everyday examples that we can easily relate to and so come to our own conclusions on this important topic. This is an extract from a teaching based on the book How to Transform your Life by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
24. jun. 2024 - 18 min
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