Netscape Podcast

Netscape Podcast

Podcast by Dona agbo

This nasty-sounding wasp isn’t much of a threat to humans, but they’ll attack cicadas with their paralytic venom to drag the cicada body into the wasp...

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episode Types of Wasps That Are Very Aggressive artwork
Types of Wasps That Are Very Aggressive

Nothing puts a damper on backyard barbecues faster than discovering there’s a horde of wasps camping out for free rent nearby. All wasps are not equal, though, and some of these carnivorous insects are far more aggressive and venomous than their peers. Knowing who’s who can help you decide how urgently their nest should be removed. Be warned that some wasps are notoriously vicious and removing their nest can put you in harm’s way. The best time to remove their nest is early morning, such as the crack of dawn, but it’s well-advised to call in a pro for this task. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. []

09. dec. 2020 - 6 min
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