Non-Peer Reviewed Podcast

Non-Peer Reviewed Podcast

Podcast by Benjamin Keirnan

The lighthearted Science Podcast that should never be quoted professionally, hosted by Benjamin Keirnan with a rotating cavalcade of guests.

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75 episodes
episode 075 - Venus Life, Sun Staring, Missing Space Gold artwork
075 - Venus Life, Sun Staring, Missing Space Gold

With guests Ross Balch (@rossbalch / @scienceclubshow) and Dr Johanna Howes (@johmatrix). We discuss a number of recent science stories including Venus Life, and Missing Space Gold. We answer some questions about Sun Staring, and Lottery Calculating. You can find the Non-Peer Reviewed Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, PodBean, Stitcher, and most other podcast apps. But you can also find it here: SOUNDCLOUD: @nonpeerreviewed SPOTIFY: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: RSS:

22. sep. 2020 - 49 min
episode 074 - Dungeons & Dragons Special artwork
074 - Dungeons & Dragons Special

With guests Dr Johanna Howes (@johmatrix), Ross Balch (@rossbalch / @scienceclubshow) and Kate O'Sullivan (@osullivankate / @scicommkate). In this Dungeons & Dragons themed special episode we discuss the upcoming release of @dndoctorates, coming out Thursday 20 August 2020. We also teach maths using damage dice, discuss how to use peasants to break the sound barrier, how mountains are excellent at hiding, and why monsters are people too. You can find the Non-Peer Reviewed Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, PodBean, Stitcher, and most other podcast apps. But you can also find it here: SOUNDCLOUD: @nonpeerreviewed SPOTIFY: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: RSS:

17. aug. 2020 - 1 h 21 min
episode 073 - Poo Doping Graphene, Everything is Cubes, Pregnancy Tipping artwork
073 - Poo Doping Graphene, Everything is Cubes, Pregnancy Tipping

With guests Kate O'Sullivan (@osullivankate / @scicommkate) and Ross Balch (@rossbalch / @scienceclubshow. We discuss a number of recent science stories including Poo Doping Graphene and the Cubic Nature of the World. We answer some questions about Your Guts Exploding, and Cold Insects. There's also an Ig Nobel Review as Kate reviews an Ig Nobel Prize winning paper about Tipping Over Pregnant Women. You can find the Non-Peer Reviewed Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, PodBean, Stitcher, and most other podcast apps. But you can also find it here: SOUNDCLOUD: @nonpeerreviewed SPOTIFY: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: RSS:

10. aug. 2020 - 57 min
episode 072 - Mammoth Legal Rights, Human Squid Cells, Night Parrot Research artwork
072 - Mammoth Legal Rights, Human Squid Cells, Night Parrot Research

With guests Ross Balch (@rossbalch / @scienceclubshow) and Aubrey Keirnan (@AubreyKeirnan). We discuss a number of recent science stories including Human Squid Cells. We answer some questions about Killer Dinosaurs, and Alien Disappointment. There's also some research as Aubrey tells us about her Night Parrot Research. You can find the Non-Peer Reviewed Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, PodBean, Stitcher, and most other podcast apps. But you can also find it here: SOUNDCLOUD: @nonpeerreviewed SPOTIFY: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: RSS:

15. jun. 2020 - 59 min
episode 071 - Chameleon Colours, Solar Windows, Pint of Gut-Brain Microbiome artwork
071 - Chameleon Colours, Solar Windows, Pint of Gut-Brain Microbiome

With guests Dr Johanna Howes (@johmatrix) and Carra Simpson (@carrasimpson / IG:brain.and.bacteria). We discuss a recent science story about Solar Windows. We answer some questions about Chameleon Colours, and Stab-Resistant Hippos. There's also a Pint of Science as Carra tells us about her Gut-Brain Microbiome research. You can find the Non-Peer Reviewed Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, PodBean, Stitcher, and most other podcast apps. But you can also find it here: SOUNDCLOUD: @nonpeerreviewed SPOTIFY: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: RSS:

08. jun. 2020 - 55 min
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