Ramshackle Glam: The Audioblog
Podcast by Jordan Reid
Ramshackle Glam's Jordan Reid has a lot to say.
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13 episodesIt’s a tricky thing, writing about an incident that so clearly paints me as the sad sack, the bitter ex-actress whocoulda been a star! …and then wasn’t, and was instead relegated to a footnote in the storied history of a television show. I’m that guy who was almost onFriendsinstead of Matt LeBlanc. I’m the fifth Beatle.
A decade after my career began, I was fired. And I realized that it had finally happened. I'd been revealed as what I'd been all along: A fraud, whose slights of hand nobody seemed to recognize as trickery save for me.
I’m off the track, with no real idea what life will look like ten years down the road, and the idea of picking a partner again is a terrifying prospect. Because I’ve blown it all up once, and I can’t do it again. I can’t do it to myself, and I can’t do it to my children. I want to - have to - get it right this time.
Isn't it crazy just how loud an empty house can be?
I am the weekday parent. I am the one who pulls off the covers while they beg for “just a few more minutes!”No,I say.Get up. I am not fun.
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