Ray Crew's Theatre of the Mind

Ray Crew's Theatre of the Mind

Podcast by Ray Crew

A man, a microphone, an hour to fill and a story to tell.This was (and is) the formula for Ray Crew's Theatre of the Mind. It began in 2008 as the 11 ...

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All episodes

8 episodes
episode Looks Can be Deceiving artwork
Looks Can be Deceiving

This legacy broadcast episode from 2015 tells a story proving that when you combine revenge with a desire to impress sometimes the person you end up impressing is yourself

24. sep. 2020 - 1 h 0 min
episode Uncle Harry's Bar artwork
Uncle Harry's Bar

As the last days of Summer spin out I offer a beach tale about my uncle, bourbon and the deep blue sea. I hope you enjoy this legacy broadcast episoe from 2012

03. sep. 2020 - 1 h 0 min
episode Animals artwork

We've always had an ueasy relationship with animals. Sometimes we humanize them. Sometimes we eat them. And sometimes when the crunch comes an animal is all that stands between us and catastrophe

12. aug. 2020 - 1 h 0 min
episode Are You a Doer or a Watcher? artwork
Are You a Doer or a Watcher?

The world is divided between two types of people, those who do things and those who watch them do those things. Which type are you?

31. jul. 2020 - 58 min
episode Philly Kid Shows artwork
Philly Kid Shows

If you were a kid in what is poetically called "The Delaware Valley" from the late 50's to the mid 70's your personality....your very being was indelibly stamped by what came out of the flickering tube in the living room. This legacy episode from 2013 will bring back some memories.

24. jul. 2020 - 58 min
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