Ripe Fruit Women Podcast

Ripe Fruit Women Podcast

Podcast by Ripe Fruit Women Podcast

Ripe Fruit Women

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8 episodes
episode Episode 8: Healing with Flower Essences with Liz Migliorelli artwork
Episode 8: Healing with Flower Essences with Liz Migliorelli

Episode 8: Healing with Flower Essences with guest Liz Migliorelli Liz Miglorielli is a herbalist, flower essence practitioner, magick maker and witch.  She is the proprietress of Sister Spinster flower essences, teaches a variety of medicine making classes in addition to her Folk Medicine & Magic of Old Europe, and offers in-person and online consults. I first heard about Liz while hiking with a midwife friend; the friend told me about a class being offered at Ancestral Apothecary about connecting with the folk healing traditions of Old Europe.  My whole being lit up when I heard that–that feeling inside when everything goes YES! I want some of that! I stumbled upon Liz’s work again at Homestead Apothecary, my favorite place for herbal-magical everything, where I bought a few of her flower essences.  As you might imagine, I loved them, so when I saw an opportunity to take a flower essence making class with her I signed up.  That class didn’t happen for logistical reasons, but since I had a refund coming to me I and I really really wanted to meet her, I booked a one-on-one appointment . . . and after a wonderful session convinced her to let me record not one but two podcasts! In this second podcast with Liz we talk about flower essences: what they are, why they’re awesome, and how to use them! They are one of my favorite healing tools that are safe, simple yet effective for folks to use in everyday life. If you missed my first episode with Liz about the importance of connecting to our ancestral European wisdom  for our own well-being, as well as the well-being of our world, you can listen here.   by

12. okt. 2015 - 35 min
episode Episode 7: Exploring Our Ancestral European Wisdom with Liz Migliorelli artwork
Episode 7: Exploring Our Ancestral European Wisdom with Liz Migliorelli

Exploring Our Ancestral European Wisdom: Episode 7 with Liz Migliorelli Liz Miglorielli is a herbalist, flower essence practitioner, magick maker and witch.  She is the proprietress of Sister Spinster flower essences, teaches a variety of medicine making classes in addition to her Folk Medicine & Magic of Old Europe, and offers in-person and online consults. I first heard about Liz while hiking with a midwife friend; she told me about a class being offered at Ancestral Apothecary about connecting with the folk healing traditions of Old Europe.  My whole being lit up when I heard that–that feeling inside when everything goes YES! I want some of that!  I stumbled upon Liz’s work again at Homestead Apothecary, my favorite place for herbal-magical everything, when I bought a few of her flower essences.  As you might imagine, I loved them, so when I saw an opportunity to take a flower essence making class with her.  That class didn’t happen for logistical reasons, but since I had a refund coming to me I and I really really wanted to meet her, I booked a one-on-one appointment . . . and after a wonderful session convinced her to let me record not one but two podcasts! In this first podcast with Liz we talk about connecting with our European roots and why that’s important not only for our own well-being, but the well-being of our world.  Liz shares her own journey in opening up to her intuition, dreams, plants and ancestors, and offers ways to begin exploring for yourself. In a few weeks I’ll release our second recording, all about flower essences–what they are, why they’re awesome, and how to use them!   by

25. jul. 2015 - 41 min
episode Episode 6: Seeds & Cycles with Special Guest April McMurtry artwork
Episode 6: Seeds & Cycles with Special Guest April McMurtry

Episode 6: Seeds & Cycles with April McMurtry A Bay Area native, April McMurtry is a multipassionate artist and educator, mama of two daughters, and the creatrix of the New Moon Calendar Journal.  I met April several years ago when she was gifted a bodywork session with me.  This Spring she contacted me about her New Moon Calendar Journal, and it was a mutual lovefest that ended in us both wanting to interview each other! So in this episode you get to hear us geek out about the moon, cycles, seeds and why her calendar journal is so amazingly awesome! You can see more about April and her creation at Radiant Thread, where you can also sign up for her moonletter, offering insights into living in tune with the cycle.     See more about April, the New Moon Calendar Journal, and the Moonletter at Radiant Thread <3   by

03. jul. 2015 - 52 min
episode Episode 5: Creating Beauty with Special Guest Jenna Forder, plus our altar building workshop! artwork
Episode 5: Creating Beauty with Special Guest Jenna Forder, plus our altar building workshop!

Creating Beauty, episode 5 In episode 5 of my Ripe Fruit Women Podcast we mix it up! I talk with special guest Jenna Forder, artist, creative facilitator, doula and mamapreneur/owner of Big Spirit Studio. We discuss art, creativity, the necessity of beauty and how we can make beauty out of brokenness. We also share information about our upcoming personal altar building workshop, Devotion ~ Vision ~ Celebration, happening in Oakland June 12-13.   by

08. jun. 2015 - 35 min
episode Episode 4: Taking Down the Wall Between Pleasure & Life artwork
Episode 4: Taking Down the Wall Between Pleasure & Life

Taking Down the Wall Between Pleasure & Life (episode 4)   In this episode I talk about why we must connect to our pleasure in order to live the dream of a joyful, connected and love-filled life. ~~~ If you’re ready to learn how to navigate life from your compass of pleasure, join me for my 21 day online course, Wild, Tender Goddess: Taking Down the Wall Between Pleasure and Life, starting June 1st.  You’ll receive daily lessons in your inbox~short but potent steps to transform through pleasure~as well as a private Facebook group and 2 group coaching calls for extra support. You can start growing the seeds of your heart’s desire now! This course is offered at a variety of payment levels to make it accessible to all women <3.  May we all have enough and know we are enough!   by

27. maj 2015 - 18 min
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