Sachin Chawla

Sachin Chawla

Podcast by Sachin Chawla

Personal Development, Motivation, Self Improvement, Keep Learning and Keep Growing

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3 episodes
episode 4X4 Formula to Achieve Goals artwork
4X4 Formula to Achieve Goals

In life we all set goals, big or small. Some changes with the passage of time but in order to move forward we all need to have them. The 4 X 4 formula in this podcast will help to in achieving any goal or dream and live a happy and successful life.

05. aug. 2020 - 7 min
episode How to find your IKIGAI? artwork
How to find your IKIGAI?

IKIGAI, book written by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles, touches the different aspect to live a long, happy and fulfilling lives. Its is a Japanese concept which translates to "A Reason for Being' or 'A reason to jump out of bed bed each morning.' IKIGAI has 4 components: 1. Somethings we love doing; 2. Something we are good at; 3. Something which world needs and 4. Something that pays you well. In this podcast I am sharing few takeaways from the book and my views on how to achieve our IKIGAI.  This podcast is for those who are looking to discover their Ikigai and will find some suggestion on how to go about the same. My name is Sachin Chawla and these are my personal views. I am on my journey to read and self educate myself. While I am discovering lot of things on this journey so am I sharing through Podcast and YouTube videos. You can also check out my YT videos in below link:

26. jul. 2020 - 6 min
episode 4 Tips for Better Time Management artwork
4 Tips for Better Time Management

In this lockdown time while we all are working from home, people are complaining about not having enough time. This episode on time managemnt will give you 4 quick tips and different perspective on time management.

18. jul. 2020 - 4 min
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