Science and Shit

Science and Shit

Podcast by Lucas and Noah

Two brothers named Noah and Lucas (one a scientist, the other a public school history teacher) talk about a different scientific topic each week. Noah...

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4 episodes
episode Mini-Episode: Noah's Rant of the Day on Bats artwork
Mini-Episode: Noah's Rant of the Day on Bats

A few weeks ago we scrapped an episode but we kept Noah's Rant of the Day as a mini-episode. Please enjoy his vengeful rant about winged mammals.

15. maj 2020 - 3 min
episode Episode 3: Climate Change artwork
Episode 3: Climate Change

Climate scientist Allie Wyman joins Noah and Lucas to discuss how climate change is affecting our environment. We discuss Allie's research, what we can do to mitigate climate change, and who climate change is affecting the most. We also consider who is...

03. maj 2020 - 40 min
episode Episode 2: Academia artwork
Episode 2: Academia

Noah and Lucas are joined by former University of Illinois Lab Manager Gideon Bartov to discuss the nature of research institutions and their ethics and goals. Gideon and Noah address what is it like to work within these research institutions and...

04. apr. 2020 - 47 min
episode Science and Shit Episode 1: COVID-19 artwork
Science and Shit Episode 1: COVID-19

Noah and Lucas discuss COVID-19 and its implications, including how different countries are combating it, how it affects our everyday lives, and what we've found to keep ourselves entertained during quarantine. Lucas addresses how the virus is affecting...

28. mar. 2020 - 50 min
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