Shelagh Letters...
Podcast by letterstomygreatgreatgrandchildren
Letters to my Great Great Grandchildren. The Genesis Movement, A year in the life of a christian family struggling with looking after the environment ...
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50 episodes19 October 2017 In which David has his recording night and which Shelagh thinks about spinning. A drama plays out in the fish tank! The snails change and at first, we are not sure if they are dead or just hibernating!
17 October 2017 In which we remember 30 years since the 1987 hurricane, Jonty’s reading improves, Rachel teaches the children sewing which brings back lovely memories. 18 October 2017 In which I bake cakes for bible study. I Bake Cakes Muscovado toffee tasting buns (recipe). We watch the film the Shack
16 October 2017 in which David falls asleep at work and the temperature is unseasonably warm. Another hurricane is on they way. We consider the red squirrels of Anglesey and we study the river Thames and visit the river and rowing museum in Henley
15 October 2017 In which raw sewage pours thought the music room ceiling and we thank God for the plumber, David lays the slabs for the new greenhouse - Poem ‘Time’
14 October 2017 In which the beginning of the day and what we eat is considered and eating between meals is frowned upon. Is there still a link between hunger and eating!! Recipe for Savoury Quinoa
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