Super SmithBros

Super SmithBros

Podcast by supersmithbros

Two brothers break down science in the world of health and fitness.

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2 episodes
episode Red Meat Papers, Working Out Before Breakfast, Rise In STDs artwork
Red Meat Papers, Working Out Before Breakfast, Rise In STDs

In this episode of the podcast we talk about the recently published series of (controversial) papers discussing the link between health and red meat, a recent paper looking at the effects of working out before eating breakfast vs. after eating breakfast, why the rate of STDs may be rising, and whether normally sweetened soda or artificially sweetened soda is better.

26. okt. 2019 - 39 min
episode Epidemiology? Alternate Day Fasting, Vaping News, and Mouthwash Kills Gains artwork
Epidemiology? Alternate Day Fasting, Vaping News, and Mouthwash Kills Gains

Brothers Dexter and Trent discuss: Our qualms new epidemiology study in support of vegetarianism, alternate day fasting paper in Cell Metabolism, vaping in the news (with an update at the end), mouthwash and its potential inhibitory effects on exercise benefits (lowering BP). For any comments or concerns email:

10. sep. 2019 - 37 min
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