The Ten Minute Life Lesson Podcast

The Ten Minute Life Lesson Podcast

Podcast by J Cleveland Payne

One of the greatest obstacles for people who want to go deeper into personal development is lack of time. J Cleveland Payne tries to negate that obsta...

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263 episodes
episode Personal Development Is Looking To The Future (TMLL 134) artwork
Personal Development Is Looking To The Future (TMLL 134)

The point of personal development is to bulid yourself for a possible future. That means looking towards a possible future you and asking the right questions to get you as close to there as possible.

03. dec. 2021 - 12 min
episode Five Tips For Managing Family Gathering (TMLL 133) artwork
Five Tips For Managing Family Gathering (TMLL 133)

Just in time for all the gatherings of families and friends for the holiday season, here are five tips for managing yourself to help survive those gatherings.

26. nov. 2021 - 12 min
episode Taking The Path Of Least Resistance On Purpose (TMLL 132) artwork
Taking The Path Of Least Resistance On Purpose (TMLL 132)

There will be plenty of hard choices to make and hard times to live through that will need you to be a hard charger. But if not, you don’t always have to be.

20. nov. 2021 - 14 min
episode On Will Smith & Working Too Many Projects (TMLL 131) artwork
On Will Smith & Working Too Many Projects (TMLL 131)

Will Smith is a very entertaining person becoming more polarizing as he shares more personal life details. It was two competing personal projects that led to a public proclamation, a very profound one that you may have heard before but may get a boost from hearing it from someone else. You will hear me break down the proclamation and share how it has directly affected me.

13. nov. 2021 - 13 min
episode Being Boring On Purpose (TMLL 130) artwork
Being Boring On Purpose (TMLL 130)

I describe myself as ‘boring on purpose.’ I do not believe I am a boring person, and I am rarely in a situation where I am bored. But I will choose a dull and eventful day that ends in peace over a day of excitement that comes with unnecessary drama.

26. aug. 2021 - 13 min
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