Therapeutic Astrology Podcast
Podcast by Mannah
Therapeutic Astrology Podcast (TAP) explores ways to remember and reconnect to our innate wholeness. In each episode, I, Mannah, talk with authors and...
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I am so glad to meet with Matthew David Segall, whose podcast's name refers to this quote from Whitehead: “The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato.” Matt is a philosopher, and if you start to follow his work on Substack, podcast, or newsletters, you will realize he is very productive and helpful in elevating our perspective. Aquarius yes. In this interview, we begin by discussing his article on time, but it is soon disrupted, as we are recording on a Gemini Moon, leading us in different directions. Particularly, this is because I, Mannah, cannot hold back with interpretations of Matt's archetypes in his birth chart. Tap in as we speak about: * Being sensitive to the texture of time * Astrology as an important source of orientation * A more cosmologically grounded civilization * The nature of time * Psycho-technology * No moment is the same, yet the calendar repeats every year * Time as mysterious * Time as based on planetary movements rather than the artificial clock * An Aquarian outlook * How we can't keep becoming bigger, better, and faster * Learning how to live more simply, yet fulfilling * When making the machine more efficient is the priority * The need to downsize/degrowth * On the verge of collapse * Ideas generated from friction * How new technologies can be set up to extract wealth * The eighth house (transformation because of facing our limitations) & Cancer (integration emotionally) rising—interpretations from my heart * Cancer also being about internal rhythms, the past/history and well-developed imagination I feel this natural and warm energy is with us in this interview in terms of topics and also just energy- at the expense of some of my deeper questions to the article we begin by exploring. I simply don't go through my questions, about the 3 gods Matt quickly mentions, but his cancer energy has the intended effect on me - I mean I think it is cancers intention for others to be themselves as well - and I end up forgetting to interview, and just sharing and being curios from a very personal place * One part of me recognizes Matt's work in the world almost as its own soul fulfillment. As I felt that - what I call my soul recognizing itself - and I examined myself, it seemed like a past life thing, because in this life it is surely not my destiny to be a philosopher in that sense, where most of my time is spend in social work these days.. There is a grief, it seems, not from who I call "I", but from one part of me, who used to walk the path of a pilgrim or philosopher - a past life memory. There could be many other explanations for that deep surging fire or that internal burning that Matt Segalls work is sparking in me (this is meant in a very positive sense) -could it be - like he speaks about in the end with the series Severance- that the cage of the material structures is just not enough and tapping into footnotes2plato is just like discovering the depth of ones own spirit, As though looking from the trivial routine-cage, which is somehow also needed for parts of us (the earthy part), glimpsing philosophy's way of making connections into deep, reflective understanding through dialoging just works like a magnet when you have a quest for meaning that also needs satisfaction. However, to me, it seems like a very real past-life attraction too! * Why astrology and therapy are a good idea to combine if you want to be truly seen in a very dynamic way, as ever evolving into your higher potential * What Matt Segall cares about these days and how knowing contrast leads to a deeper understanding * Bringing science and spirituality together without losing what’s good about them separately * Corrupt governance showing us a need for the old system to come to an end * The concern about repeating history * Rudolf Steiner as a philosopher to bring in during these times and his 3 main spheres * The cultural life * Plutonian quality to expose truth I am so glad that Matthew David Segall & Footnotes2Plato exists — If you get something out of this conversation, you may want to see the links to continue on with: LINKS Matt did a beautiful recording of the article we talk about here: https://youtu.be/Dm8vZ83MUSw [https://youtu.be/Dm8vZ83MUSw] You can read it here: https://footnotes2plato.com/2015/05/15/minding-time-chronos-kairos-and-aion-in-an-archetypal-cosmos/ [https://footnotes2plato.com/2015/05/15/minding-time-chronos-kairos-and-aion-in-an-archetypal-cosmos/] Other links; * https://footnotes2plato.com/ [https://footnotes2plato.com/] * https://footnotes2plato.substack.com/ [https://footnotes2plato.substack.com/] * https://www.youtube.com/user/0ThouArtThat0 [https://www.youtube.com/user/0ThouArtThat0] Mannah: https://www.therapeuticastrologer.com/ [https://www.therapeuticastrologer.com/]

Such a wonderful episode you are about to hear! Meet David Polidi, who is a licensed independent clinical social worker (LICSW), EMDR certified therapist, consultant-in-training, and IFS therapist. He has such great compassion, which I feel comes through in every episode of his own podcast, Empowered Through Compassion: EMDR and IFS Informed Therapy, and now right here on TAP!! He is also a true eclectic like myself - we Sagittarius moon people will know! Enjoy as we talk about synthesizing IFS and EMDR. This conversation will make the most sense if you have some knowledge of those frameworks. After the call, I realized that from the very beginning, we had been talking about Chiron in Aries, as this is the title David Polidi uses for his podcast, website, and business. It is activated for him in this time which we talk about in the end of the interview, but also, in general, it is at the top of his chart, influencing his public profile. Chiron in Aries is exactly what he is talking about in his description of strength. Listen in as we speak about: — Tunnels that intersect and the treasure in the center - Helping clients find the truth within — The internal landscape — The spiritual core of the healing work — Memory reconsolidation — Healing the world through therapy — Chronic pain and EMDR — Parts in roles as helpers — potentially coming up when the client’s theme hits home for the therapist — The fire drill — The wounded healer (amazingly, I find that the whole conversation was filled with this archetype?!?) — Helping parts relax back — Somatic understanding of how the body is trying to communicate with you — When you or clients are activated / feel pain after BLS — Healing is not linear — SUD — problems with checking the data (from Mannah’s point of view) — The Syzygy Model — Tapping into self-qualities — Working with protectors and their levels of urge — Is it: How do I feel now, or how did I feel back then? — Chiron in Aries, which is potentially also about breaking free from external authority — and doing it with strength from the inside out - and in the tenth house of career it also signifies working with populations that are somehow different or the odd one out — David’s great references to movies and the dystopian views of the past playing out in the present — How characters in pop culture are inside us all from an archetypal perspective I hope you felt this interview and meeting of hearts. Here are some links to follow when you are up for that sort of thing: LINKS: Find more om David Polidi: https://www.empoweredthroughcompassion.com/ [https://www.empoweredthroughcompassion.com/] His podcast: https://empoweredthroughcompassion.podbean.com/ [https://empoweredthroughcompassion.podbean.com/] Mannahs web: https://www.therapeuticastrologer.com/ [https://www.therapeuticastrologer.com/]

Today, we continue where we left off in Part One with Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Michael Smith from Soma Dao Qigong. In this conversation, he shares with us the six common ways we experience overwhelm—and, most importantly, what we can do to navigate and heal from it- which are instinctually, viscerally, intuitively, emotionally, egoically, and existentially. I, Mannah, bring in reflections on the archetype of Pisces, and as you may know, this energy is not just about heightened sensitivity and the risk of overwhelm, but also about profound healing and deep compassion. I recommend this episode anytime you feel overstimulated or fatigued or losing sleep - there is a way to shift states, because maybe what has happened is that we are back in the past, at a nervous system level. Dr. Michael Smith offers powerful imagery and associations to help us break free from the grind- with great generosity, he guides us through methods and exercises to support healing -Let yourself have this one. Join us as we explore: * Times of Piscean closure and how we are affected by that energy * Dreams and how they were revered in other cultures * Whether something beyond us orchestrates the messages we receive in dreams * How to heal from the symptoms of overwhelm * Why working with our earliest traumas is essential * Metaphors around the horse, rider, and binoculars * Trauma therapy and that the only way is healing the wound I truly hope you enjoyed this conversation as much as I did. Here are the links we mentioned: Read more about Michael and his background here: https://somadaoqigong.com/about/ [https://somadaoqigong.com/about/] Check out his current courses here: https://somadaoqigong.com/courses/ [https://somadaoqigong.com/courses/] Mannahs web: https://www.therapeuticastrologer.com/ [https://www.therapeuticastrologer.com/]

Do you wonder if you are living your calling? According to my guest today, the greatest crime against the universe is not living one's calling. Meet Pamela Eakins, author of over 20 books, PhD in sociology, and founder of the Pacific Mystery School. I highly recommend this interview—I was inspired from beginning to end, and if you're curious about the tarot, I think you will be too. Pamela Eakins published a tarot deck when there were only seven tarot decks on the market and just two publishing presses producing them. In this episode I mention how her writings speak to my right brain - what I mean to say is that the content is guiding my soul, it resonates deeply and I can come closer to the sea of deep consciousness. Like Pamela Eakins writes in Tarot of the Spirit: "The objective of working with tarot, whether as oracle, spiritual path or meditative tool, is to attain a sublime integration of internal contradictory elements in order to transcend conflict or conditioned response patterns and move into a state of inner peace and deep awareness of our true identity" Here are some of the topics we go into in our conversation: * Desire – In the book Tarot of the Spirit, Pamela Eakins writes: "There is desire to move, desire to know, desire to change, desire to grow, desire to fill up the Void of Life with mystery... No one imbues us with this desire. Desire sprouts and blooms of its own accord, in its own time..... Desire is the only medium strong enough to bind the scholar to that which is studied" * Aquarian ideas/Visionary cosmology/The universe/Sociology/ * New paradigm – different ways of knowing, eventually leading us to the field of neurodivergence and being cosmologically divergent * How the Tarot of the Spirit represents the Western Mystery Tradition’s knowledge * How we are made of stars and the universe is within us * The universe at the cutting edge of its existence * Mystical imagination * How to know if your calling aligns with a higher purpose rather than being a result of trauma adaptation * Pamela Eakins' experience of war and how it changed her * The origins of the Tarot of the Spirit for Pamela – a card game * Compromising an academic career to follow spiritual awakening – without knowing what she was doing * Taking big leaps * How tarot has been shamed – as Pamela says, it often happens to those who threaten the system * The sun card – making everything transparent, leading to spiritual realization * The reason why the cards you draw are always the right ones * Pamela’s interpretation of the 1 to 3 cards * The chariot and the karma card interpretated * Trust you are on the right place at the right time * To be DRAWN in - not just being led by passion but finding synchronicity In the end, Pamela answers several questions at once, using the cards and drawing three for us as a collective. Don’t miss that part—there’s real wise download being shared. Note: Pamela mentions the Salem witch trials but accidently says the another year. The correct years are 1692-1693. LINKS Find more on Pamela Eakins school here: https://www.tarotofthespirit.com/home.html [https://www.tarotofthespirit.com/home.html] Her youtube channel with teachings here: https://www.youtube.com/@pamelaeakins9488 [https://www.youtube.com/@pamelaeakins9488] Mannahs website here: https://www.therapeuticastrologer.com/ [https://www.therapeuticastrologer.com/]

So glad to be joined by my podcast colleague, Sheila Bélanger, who also works with astrology in a healing way. In fact, she weaves together archetypal astrology, depth psychology, and shamanic wisdom. She shares with me exactly how she does it—and I love it! For example, she explains how she uses Chiron in inner healing work with generational trauma and how Process Work, as an awareness-shifting model, integrates beautifully with astrology. Sheila Bélanger is living on the edge in more ways than one—and my Eighth House planets kind of love that. Topics we cover: — Transformative integration of astrology, shamanism, and depth psychology — What do we actually see in the birth chart? Is it the person’s identity, soul, or current life initiations? — The levels of Chiron: personal wound-gift, generational, and shadow — What is Process Work Psychology as developed by Arnold Mindell? — What this year is about collectively (2025) Find links to Sheila Bélanger here: — Website: https://ontheedgesofchange.com/ [https://ontheedgesofchange.com/] — Astrology Alchemy Podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/210462 [https://www.buzzsprout.com/210462] Free resources for Mannah’s audience: — Free Astrology Life Cycles Digital Course from Sheila: Go to https://ontheedgesofchange.com/astrology [https://ontheedgesofchange.com/astrology] Choose one of the five life passages courses or the Pluto in Aquarius course. At checkout, use this coupon code: MANNAH — Free workshop replay: Key Astrology Cycles of 2025 Go to: https://ontheedgesofchange.com/2025-astrology-cycles-replay-optin [https://ontheedgesofchange.com/2025-astrology-cycles-replay-optin] Mannahs website: https://www.therapeuticastrologer.com/ [https://www.therapeuticastrologer.com/] Video version of this episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QcNzqOQqtE [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QcNzqOQqtE]
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