Vital Signs: Risk and Insurance for Healthcare

Vital Signs: Risk and Insurance for Healthcare

Podcast by Willis Towers Watson

This vibrant podcast series captures conversations with industry experts as they discuss the risk management and insurance trends and issues facing th...

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5 episodes
episode Episode 4: Coverage for sexual misconduct artwork
Episode 4: Coverage for sexual misconduct

Sexual misconduct coverage has become significantly more complicated over the last couple of years and it seems to be undergoing yet another evolution as the market hardens. During this discussion, we dive into some important coverage, exclusion and policy considerations.

24. sep. 2021 - 27 min
episode Episode 5: HPL coverage issues in a hard market artwork
Episode 5: HPL coverage issues in a hard market

A discussion on coverage for punitive damages with Will Eustace, Casualty Coverage Officer at Willis Towers Watson.

22. sep. 2021 - 20 min
episode Episode 3: Batch coverage artwork
Episode 3: Batch coverage

Our guest speaker, Kirsten Beasley, Head of Healthcare Broking in North America, discusses batch coverage in healthcare professional liability (HPL) policies as well as batch claims in the context of COVID-19.

04. jan. 2021 - 24 min
episode Episode 2: Healthcare environmental liability artwork
Episode 2: Healthcare environmental liability

Our guest speakers, Brian McBride and Robin Kelliher, discuss environmental liability in the healthcare industry. They share their perspectives on the evolution of environmental coverage and the current impacts of the hard insurance market and COVID-19. Brian and Robin are part of the Willis Towers Watson environmental practice.

09. dec. 2020 - 16 min
episode Episode 1: Healthcare Professional Liability Exclusions – COVID-19 artwork
Episode 1: Healthcare Professional Liability Exclusions – COVID-19

In this episode, the discussion focuses on healthcare professional liability (HPL) coverage issues in a hard market. Guest speaker Joanne Kowalczyk shares her perspective on COVID-19 exclusions and current claims trends and activities.

09. dec. 2020 - 11 min
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