Vitamin DM

Vitamin DM

Podcast by David Jensen

Hosted by David and Matt, two young queers living together in Milwaukee, Vitamin DM explores questions about art, culture, media, and life in the onli...

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4 episodes
episode Our Lady of Lysol artwork
Our Lady of Lysol

The boys break their hiatus to talk about their new routines, President Trump's Lysol scandal, the art world, and their interpretations of Pendleton Ward's newest Netflix series, The Midnight Gospel.

25. apr. 2020 - 59 min
episode QR Code Coffee artwork
QR Code Coffee

The boys sit down to talk about their dystopian experiences in public life, the approaching Wisconsin primary, twitter feminism, and what they're looking forward to the most.

05. apr. 2020 - 48 min
episode Tiger Millionaire artwork
Tiger Millionaire

(Content warning: references to drug use, sexual assault, and suicide.) Delirious from two weeks under quarantine, the boys reconvene to review the critically acclaimed Netflix special "Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness," the worsening COVID-19 pandemic, their drugs of choice, and life together in isolation.

30. mar. 2020 - 1 h 13 min
episode Spinach Dip artwork
Spinach Dip

In their podcasting debut, the boys talk about life in the time of coronavirus, the new Animal Crossing game, celebrity testing, and the endless pain of quarantine.

25. mar. 2020 - 42 min
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