Was It Worth It?

Was It Worth It?

Podcast by Master Debaters Presents

Has there ever been a film that you haven't seen that makes people say 'What?! You've never seen that?!' Toffa (Master Debaters) has a lot of those fi...

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50 episodes
episode A Toddler Reviews: Peter Rabbit artwork
A Toddler Reviews: Peter Rabbit

Toffa sat down with his 5 year old son to review the controversial Peter Rabbit. James Corden has taken a lot of stick over this film, but what does a toddler think? Also, we find out who would in a fight between Paddington and Peter Rabbit

03. apr. 2018 - 6 min
episode A Toddler Reviews: Peter Rabbit artwork
A Toddler Reviews: Peter Rabbit

itunes pic [https://assets.podomatic.net/ts/24/4c/46/kparr89/3000x3000_12309904.jpg] Toffa sat down with his 5 year old son to review the controversial Peter Rabbit. James Corden has taken a lot of stick over this film, but what does a toddler think? Also, we find out who would in a fight between Paddington and Peter Rabbit

03. apr. 2018 - 6 min
episode Star Wars: The Last Jedi Debate artwork
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Debate

itunes pic [https://assets.podomatic.net/ts/24/4c/46/kparr89/3000x3000_12602152.jpg] Bit of a different episode this week as we discuss a film that both Toffa and Ethan have already seen. However, as the lads are joined by Sean, (Master Debaters) the conversation went to The Last Jedi. Ethan hated it, Sean loved it...let the debate commence

07. mar. 2018 - 46 min
episode Star Wars: The Last Jedi Debate artwork
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Debate

Bit of a different episode this week as we discuss a film that both Toffa and Ethan have already seen. However, as the lads are joined by Sean, (Master Debaters) the conversation went to The Last Jedi. Ethan hated it, Sean loved it...let the debate commence

07. mar. 2018 - 46 min
episode Big Trouble In Little China & Blade Runner artwork
Big Trouble In Little China & Blade Runner

On this weeks episode, Toffa and Ethan welcome Sean (Master Debaters) onto the podcast to discuss Big Trouble in Little China and Blade Runner. Toffa has refused to watch Blade Runner since the inception of 'Was It Worth It?' but this he cracked and gave it a go. Was it worth it?

19. feb. 2018 - 1 h 4 min
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