Waterside Church

Waterside Church

Podcast by Waterside Church

Podcast by Waterside Church

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35 episodes
episode Master Plan (Larry Titus 06/28/20) artwork
Master Plan (Larry Titus 06/28/20)

“Master Plan” God, the Master Planner, has a Master Plan for your life. You can join us every Sunday at 5:00pm CST on our YouTube channel and Facebook, as we stream our Waterside HomeChurch service. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people around the world click here: watersidechurch.churchcenter.com/giving Website: www.watersidechurch.com Instagram: mywatersidechurch Facebook: mywatersidechurch YouTube: Waterside Church Apple Podcast: Waterside Church Google Podcast: Waterside Church Soundcloud: Waterside Church Spotify: Waterside Church

01. jul. 2020 - 22 min
episode Unshackled (Gene McGuire 06/21/20) artwork
Unshackled (Gene McGuire 06/21/20)

In 1977, Gene McGuire’s life as a free man ended. He was one of three men involved in the late-night robbery of a bar. One of the men stabbed and killed the bar owner, and Gene was sentenced to life in prison without parole on a second-degree murder charge. He was 17 years old. Nearly 10 years later, after achieving influence in the prison culture of drugs, power, money, pornography and disdain for authority, Gene humbled himself and experienced a Christ-transformation. After submitting to years of discipleship, Gene became a spiritual leader to thousands of inmates. With no hope for release himself, Gene instead developed a fruitful, fulfilling ministry within his world of incarceration. He became an elder in the prison church, developed small groups and yard Bible studies and led others who were also without freedom to true freedom in Christ. Then, almost 35 years into his prison sentence, came an unexpected miracle. On April 3, 2012, Presiding Judge Russell D. Shurtleff addressed the crowded Wyoming County Courtroom in Pennsylvania. He ruled that Gene had been wrongfully charged, that his life sentence was reversed and that he had already served the appropriate sentence due. Gene was released a free man — no parole. His story is riveting — from a life sentence of imprisonment to one filled with the power of God’s love, forgiveness and freedom, bringing hope to all. You can join us every Sunday at 5:00pm CST on our YouTube channel and Facebook, as we stream our Waterside HomeChurch service. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people around the world click here: watersidechurch.churchcenter.com/giving Website: www.watersidechurch.com Instagram: mywatersidechurch Facebook: mywatersidechurch YouTube: Waterside Church Apple Podcast: Waterside Church Google Podcast: Waterside Church Soundcloud: Waterside Church Spotify: Waterside Church

24. jun. 2020 - 31 min
episode ASK (Larry Titus 06/14/20) artwork
ASK (Larry Titus 06/14/20)

“ASK” The privilege of children is to ask for things from their father. It was God’s idea first. You can join us every Sunday at 5:00pm CST on our YouTube channel and Facebook, as we stream our Waterside HomeChurch service. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people around the world click here: watersidechurch.churchcenter.com/giving Website: www.watersidechurch.com Instagram: mywatersidechurch Facebook: mywatersidechurch YouTube: Waterside Church Apple Podcast: Waterside Church Google Podcast: Waterside Church Soundcloud: Waterside Church Spotify: Waterside Church

16. jun. 2020 - 24 min
episode The Gift Of Forgiveness (Larry Titus 06/07/20) artwork
The Gift Of Forgiveness (Larry Titus 06/07/20)

One of God’s greatest gifts is forgiveness. He loves to forgive people, even when they don’t deserve it. For us to be sons and daughters of God we must learn how to offer forgiveness to people who don’t deserve it, because we didn’t. The heart of God is to forgive. It’s the last words of Jesus on the cross and the first words of Jesus when he appeared to his disciples on Resurrection Night in the Upper Room. It was also in his first sermon, the Sermon on the Mount, recorded in the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6. This message could set you free from the bondage of unforgiveness. Join us every Sunday at 5:00pm CST on our YouTube channel and Facebook, as we stream our Waterside HomeChurch service. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people around the world click here: watersidechurch.churchcenter.com/giving Website: www.watersidechurch.com Instagram: mywatersidechurch Facebook: mywatersidechurch YouTube: Waterside Church Apple Podcast: Waterside Church Google Podcast: Waterside Church Soundcloud: Waterside Church Spotify: Waterside Church

09. jun. 2020 - 25 min
episode The Power Of Pentecost (Larry Titus 05/31/20) artwork
The Power Of Pentecost (Larry Titus 05/31/20)

Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, the day 2000 years ago when the 120 disciples in the Upper Room were filled with the Holy Spirit. The Power of Pentecost is still available to ignite global revival as well as personally set you on fire with the Holy Spirit. Don’t miss this powerful message by Larry Titus. This could be your personal Pentecost. Join us every Sunday at 5:00pm CST on our YouTube channel and Facebook, as we stream our Waterside HomeChurch service. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people around the world click here: watersidechurch.churchcenter.com/giving Website: www.watersidechurch.com Instagram: mywatersidechurch Facebook: mywatersidechurch YouTube: Waterside Church Apple Podcast: Waterside Church Google Podcast: Waterside Church Soundcloud: Waterside Church Spotify: Waterside Church

02. jun. 2020 - 27 min
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