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In this C13Features podcast movie presentation of Ghostwriter, Kate Mara and Adam Scott star in a psychological thriller about a former journalist who reluctantly accepts a job ghostwriting a new murder mystery novel for an eccentric billionaire. As they collaborate on the project, questions - and suspicions - begin to arise. Grab some popcorn, and get lost in your imagination in this gripping and suspenseful podcast movie experience, Ghostwriter, from C13Features. 

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4 Folgen
episode Introducing: The Chris Chatman Do-Over, starring Ike Barinholtz artwork
Introducing: The Chris Chatman Do-Over, starring Ike Barinholtz
In this improvised comedy podcast, Ike Barinholtz stars as controversial shock jock host Chris Chatman. Chatman’s hit podcast was canceled but he's listened, learned, and is back on the mic to finally win over a few female listeners. Or maybe even just one. In each episode, Chatman and his co-hosts Frankie (Lisa Gilroy) and the Professor (Neil Casey) unpack hot-button issues with expert guests but offend pretty much everyone in the process. Guest stars include Amy Poehler, Fred Armisen, Ashley Nicole Black, Carla Cackowski, Craig Cackowski, Liz Cackowski, Jessica St. Clair, E.R. Fightmaster, Ego Nwodim, Busy Philipps, Emily Spivey, and Alice Stanley Jr. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: [] Learn more about your ad choices. Visit []
11. Jan. 2024 - 2 min
episode Presenting Gone South, Season 3: The Sign Cutter artwork
Presenting Gone South, Season 3: The Sign Cutter
On September 3, 2018, a rancher in Laredo, Texas, discovered a woman’s body shot execution-style on the side of the road. When investigators identified her as a local sex worker, their search for the killer took them into the darkest corners of the city. Then, after days of false starts and dead-ends, another body turned up, terrifying residents and leading law enforcement to conclude a serial killer is at large. More would die before a survivor finally came forward and identified the killer… but his motives proved as confounding as his crimes.   To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: [] Learn more about your ad choices. Visit []
20. Okt. 2023 - 2 min
episode C13Features Podcast Movie: Ghostwriter, Starring Kate Mara and Adam Scott artwork
C13Features Podcast Movie: Ghostwriter, Starring Kate Mara and Adam Scott
Welcome to Ghostwriter, a new gripping and suspenseful podcast movie listening experience from C13Features. In Ghostwriter, Kate Mara and Adam Scott star in a psychological thriller about a former journalist who reluctantly accepts a job ghostwriting a new murder mystery novel for an eccentric billionaire. As they collaborate on the project, questions - and suspicions - begin to arise. Get ready to pop some popcorn, and get lost in your imagination in this invigorating new podcast movie experience, Ghostwriter, from C13Features. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: [] Learn more about your ad choices. Visit []
06. Dez. 2021 - 1 h 22 min
episode C13Features Trailer: Ghostwriter, Starring Kate Mara and Adam Scott artwork
C13Features Trailer: Ghostwriter, Starring Kate Mara and Adam Scott
Welcome to Ghostwriter, a new gripping and suspenseful podcast movie listening experience from C13Features. In Ghostwriter, Kate Mara and Adam Scott star in a psychological thriller about a former journalist who reluctantly accepts a job ghostwriting a new murder mystery novel for an eccentric billionaire. Kate Michaels has been living a solitary life after a traumatic experience, but after pressure from her rational agent and candid best friend, she begrudgingly concedes that she needs the work. As she collaborates with the enigmatic James Webber on the project, she finds herself growing dependent on him and starts to suspect that something is wrong…deeply wrong. Will Kate be able to trust herself with James’ story, or even her own voice? Get ready to pop some popcorn, and get lost in your imagination in this invigorating new podcast movie experience, Ghostwriter, from C13Features, dropping December 6. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: [] Learn more about your ad choices. Visit []
19. Nov. 2021 - 2 min

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