Survey: More Finns are willing to pay for podcasts to listen to at home and even in the sauna
According to a recent survey commissioned by Norstat for Podimo, the professionalism of podcasts is increasingly valued, with 62% of Finns who listen to podcasts willing to pay for them (49% in 2023). There is a growing interest in entertainment and current affairs and people are listening to podcasts not only at home and outdoors, but also in the sauna, in the shower and at bedtime.
In the annual Finnish podcast behavior survey commissioned by podcast and audiobook service Podimo, Finns who listen to podcasts at least once a month were asked about their podcast consumption habits. In February 2024, 1,025 Finns aged 15-64 from all over the country responded to a survey conducted by Norstat for Podimo.
Finnish podcast listeners are active and loyal. 72% of respondents listen to podcasts at least weekly - 37% listen several times a week. Overall, 83% said they listen most often to their favourite podcasts and 26% of respondents always listen to every episode of their favourite podcast. Among the podcast genres, entertainment (+14 percentage points), news and current affairs (+10) and humour (+8) showed the biggest year-on-year increases in popularity. True crime is still popular, but its popularity fell by three percentage points compared to 2023.
People are also increasingly willing to pay for quality podcasts. In the 2024 survey, 62% of respondents said they would be willing to pay for a podcast if it either ensured that the creators would be paid for their work or if the price was affordable enough. In last year's survey, the corresponding figure was 49%. Younger people are more willing to pay than their older counterparts: in the 25-34 age group, almost three quarters (71%) would be willing to pay for podcasts.
"There was quite a bit of resistance when paid podcasts started to appear," said Johannes Saukko, Country Manager for Podimo. "It's perfectly understandable, because podcasts were used to being available for free. But authors deserve to be compensated for the work they do, and this is becoming better and better understood. The quality of podcasts is increasing and rarely is quality available without compensation in any other sector."
Podcasts in the ears of the home - Lapland and Eastern Finland are hoping for more eroticism
One of the advantages of audio content over other content is the possibility of multichanneling. Indeed, people very often listen to podcasts while doing other chores or activities: doing housework (44% said they do this), walking or going out (39%), driving (29%), travelling by public transport (24%) and going to bed (24%). Survey participants were also asked about specific places where they have listened to podcasts. The most frequent responses were in the toilet, sauna and shower.
In terms of content, humour, true crime and health and wellbeing were the areas most wanted to be more consumed. Erotic podcasts are popular in many Central European countries, but there is still very little on offer in Finland. Around 20% of respondents in northern and eastern Finland wanted more erotic listening (16% for the country as a whole). The main reason for listening to erotic podcasts is that the topic is interesting and stimulating and they offer good tips. There is also the option "why wouldn't I listen?" received a high number of votes.
"I have to admit that I was even a bit surprised by the interest in erotic podcasts, but this also shows that podcasts can be used for many things and all aspects of life can be represented in podcasts," Saukko continues.
Most liked podcasters and Sauli Niinistö
The survey, conducted in February 2024, asked an open question "whose podcast would you listen to if one existed". Given the timeliness of the presidential election, Sauli Niinistö was by far the most popular answer. "President" and Sanna Marin also received many mentions.
Survey participants were also asked to rank their own favourite podcast makers. The top 10 included Antti Holma, Aki Linnanahde, Jaajo Linnonmaa, Niko Saarinen, Mika "Immu" Ilmén, Sointu Borg, Janni Hussi, Paula Noronen, Pilvi Hämäläinen and Sita Salminen.
About Podimo Finland:
Podimo is a podcast and audiobook service that offers a wide and high-quality selection of exclusive podcasts and Finnish-language audiobooks at an affordable monthly price. Podimo offers the best selection of entertainment and true crime podcasts, including "Gaala," "Selvin Päin," "Murha Joka Tapahtui," "Pahuuden Jälkeen" and "Kerhotalo," as well as podcasts from big entertainment stars such as "Aki Linnanade's Talk Show," Sointu Borg and Janni Huss' "Sana on Vapaa" or Sara Parikka's "Sara's Kaverikirja." Podimo works tirelessly to develop the best listening experience and the app has received high ratings in the app stores.
Podimo is currently available in Finland, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands and Mexico. Listeners can enjoy Podimo on iOS, Android, iPad, CarPlay and in the browser at podimo.fi.