Ramban Hal HaTorah | Rav Eli Weber

Ramban Hal HaTorah | Rav Eli Weber

Podcast by yeshivat har etzion

Rav Eli Weber Talking about the Ramban

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9 episodes
episode Ramban on the Torah | Ki Tisa | Rav Eli Weber artwork
Ramban on the Torah | Ki Tisa | Rav Eli Weber

How did the number of Bnei Yisrael stay the same in both censuses? What is the meaning of the Egel?

29. feb. 2024 - 31 min
episode Ramban Al HaTorah | Vaetchanan | Rav Eli Weber artwork
Ramban Al HaTorah | Vaetchanan | Rav Eli Weber

Sometimes, a story in the Torah is all about the substance. But sometimes, particularly for the Ramban, the form of a story is even more important than the substance. Maamad Har Sinai is one such story.

27. jul. 2023 - 30 min
episode Ramban Al HaTorah | Devarim | Rav Eli Weber artwork
Ramban Al HaTorah | Devarim | Rav Eli Weber


20. jul. 2023 - 29 min
episode Ramban Al HaTorah | Matot-Masei | Rav Eli Weber artwork
Ramban Al HaTorah | Matot-Masei | Rav Eli Weber

Sometimes the Ramban adds a comment that causes us to see a while story in the Torah differently. The war with Midian is a good example of this. Same thing with Mosheh's "PTSD" with the request of the two tribes to live in Ever Hayarden. And, of course, the Ramban's great love for Eretz Yisrael.

12. jul. 2023 - 31 min
episode Ramban Al HaTorah | Pinchas | Rav Eli Weber artwork
Ramban Al HaTorah | Pinchas | Rav Eli Weber

What does it mean to be a Kanai and what are the risks? If Bnot Moav sinned with Bnai Yisrael, why Tzaror et Hamidyanim? Why do Bnot Tzelafchad tell Moshe that their father wasn't part of Adat Korach? What is Parahat HaTamid doing in this week's Parsha?

06. jul. 2023 - 29 min
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