Boys Like Me
Podcast gratuito

Boys Like Me

Podcast de CBC

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Why are some lonely, young men a growing threat to our safety? In 2018, a Toronto man drove a van down a busy sidewalk, killing 11 people and injuring many more. He was linked to the "incel" movement, a dark online world fueled by violent misogyny, extreme isolation and perceived rejection. In the wake of the attack, Evan Mead discovers a disturbing connection to the perpetrator. They were former high school classmates; both outcasts, existing together on the fringes of social acceptance. How did two young men who started in similar circumstances, end up on such drastically different paths? This five-part series examines how socially-isolated young men can vanish into an online world of nihilism and despair that radicalizes them into angry — potentially deadly — misogynists. Hosted by Ellen Chloë Bateman and produced by Daemon Fairless (Hunting Warhead). For the best in true crime from CBC, ad-free, visit 

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6 episodios
episode Episode 5: Welcome to the Manosphere artwork
Episode 5: Welcome to the Manosphere
Incels are only part of the threat. Ellen speaks with a woman who spent years undercover among a vast network of online communities — among them so-called mens’ rights activists and pickup artists — all united in their desire for total male supremacy. They orchestrate harassment campaigns, glorify violence against women and actively recruit vulnerable young men. Few people are talking about it. And no one knows how to stop it. For transcripts of this series, please visit:
13 dic 2021 - 44 min
episode Episode 4: A Soldier for the Cause artwork
Episode 4: A Soldier for the Cause
Evan shares a troubling period from his past and reflects on the different paths he and Alek took. What pushes someone to kill in the name of an ideology? Ellen speaks to a former Jihadi recruiter about the murky path from radicalization to terrorism. For transcripts of this series, please visit:
07 dic 2021 - 37 min
episode Episode 3: Boys Will Be Boys artwork
Episode 3: Boys Will Be Boys
Alek frequented incel sites for years, lurking in forums that celebrated or even encouraged the kind of attack he’d go on to commit. What draws young men into this toxic world? Ellen connects with a prominent incel who takes her down the rabbit hole. For transcripts of this series, please visit:
29 nov 2021 - 39 min
episode Episode 2: A Supreme Gentleman artwork
Episode 2: A Supreme Gentleman
Evan and Alek are in the same special-needs program in high school, where they’re both bullied and ostracized. But while Evan tries to break out of his shell, Alek retreats further into himself and finds solace in some of the most disturbing corners of the internet. For transcripts of this series, please visit:
22 nov 2021 - 34 min
episode Episode 1: A Moment of Silence artwork
Episode 1: A Moment of Silence
Hours after a deadly van attack in Toronto, the media starts hunting for clues. One of those clues leads to a surprise phone call and a shocking discovery. For transcripts of this series, please visit:
22 nov 2021 - 36 min

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