Gamers Performance Podcast

Gamers Performance Podcast

Podcast de André Baumann

Do you want to learn more about nutrition, exercise and lifestyle factors for gamers and esports athletes? The Gamers Performance Podcast will deliver...

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18 episodios
episode Todays guest: Jake Middleton, Performance Manager at Adamas Esports artwork
Todays guest: Jake Middleton, Performance Manager at Adamas Esports

Jake is an Esports Performance Manager at Adamas Esports. Jake is a lifelong gamer and used to compete in Halo esports back in the day and is passionate about helping gamers be the best versions of themselves. He has been a driver of research and innovation across esports performance in the last five years specifically around a holistic approach to esports training. Jake has spent time with some of the highest performing teams across professional, collegiate, and high-school esports. He brings a wide-ranging skillset to be able to optimize the lifestyle and psychology of esports athletes. He has his bachelor's degree in exercise science and is currently obtaining his master's in sport and performance psychology. Socials: Adamas Twitter: [] Adamas Instagram: []/ My Twitter: [] My LinkedIn: []

14 oct 2020 - 42 min
episode Dagens gjest: Kristoffer "UTAMA" Odland, League of Legends e-sport coach! artwork
Dagens gjest: Kristoffer "UTAMA" Odland, League of Legends e-sport coach!

Kristoffer "Utama" Udland har coachet mange topp-organisasjoner innen league of legends over hele verden! I denne episoden deler han sine erfaringer og tips for å bli en bedre League of Legends spiller.

07 ago 2020 - 1 h 12 min
episode Dagens gjest: Sebastian Gsell, linjelærer i e-sport ved Buskerud Folkehøyskole! artwork
Dagens gjest: Sebastian Gsell, linjelærer i e-sport ved Buskerud Folkehøyskole!

Dagens gjest Sebastian er linjelærer i e-sport ved Buskerud  Folkehøyskole. Vi snakker blant annet om hvordan jobben hans er som lærer i e-sport, hva han mener er viktig for å bli en god gamer/e-sportutøver, viktigheten av sunn livsstil som en gamer og mye mer!

01 jul 2020 - 42 min
episode Dagens gjest: Gjermund Fladby, linjelærer i e-sport ved Bjerkely Folkehøgskole! artwork
Dagens gjest: Gjermund Fladby, linjelærer i e-sport ved Bjerkely Folkehøgskole!

I dagens podcast episode snakker vi om hvordan man kan jobbe som en linjelærer i e-sport, dybden til e-sport som en idrett, burde e-sport organisere seg som et eget forbund, viktigheten av kosthold og fysisk aktivitet for gamere og e-sportutøvere, og mye mer! Er du interessert i å bli en elev på e-sportlinjen ved Bjerkely Folkehøgskole? Sjekk ut: []

22 jun 2020 - 58 min
episode Episode 14: Gamers Performance at SpillExpo 2019 and Q&A´s! artwork
Episode 14: Gamers Performance at SpillExpo 2019 and Q&A´s!

The episode summarizes my experience with having my own stand at SpillExpo, the largest games expo in Norway! At the end of the podcast a few Q&A´s that I´ve gotten from different gamers and esports athletes during my seminars and webinars - more Q&A´s to come!

20 nov 2019 - 27 min
Soy muy de podcasts. Mientras hago la cama, mientras recojo la casa, mientras trabajo… Y en Podimo encuentro podcast que me encantan. De emprendimiento, de salid, de humor… De lo que quiera! Estoy encantada 👍
MI TOC es feliz, que maravilla. Ordenador, limpio, sugerencias de categorías nuevas a explorar!!!
Me suscribi con los 14 días de prueba para escuchar el Podcast de Misterios Cotidianos, pero al final me quedo mas tiempo porque hacia tiempo que no me reía tanto. Tiene Podcast muy buenos y la aplicación funciona bien.
App ligera, eficiente, encuentras rápido tus podcast favoritos. Diseño sencillo y bonito. me gustó.
contenidos frescos e inteligentes
La App va francamente bien y el precio me parece muy justo para pagar a gente que nos da horas y horas de contenido. Espero poder seguir usándola asiduamente.

Disponible en todas partes

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