Gen X Guide To The Universe

Gen X Guide To The Universe

Podcast de Jameson MacInnis & Heather Page

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What happens when two 40-something friends get microphones and start podcasting? High school buddies Jameson MacInnis and Heather Page explain everyth...

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110 episodios
episode Generation X Signing off from MTV artwork
Generation X Signing off from MTV

And that’s a wrap on season three! From Star Wars to 80s films and now MTV, Heather and Jameson finish up with this delightful season finale. Heather is officially on the Tik Tok, but pissed because someone stole her handle.  Jameson got propane as he is currently running a geratic summer camp at his house. Heather and Jameson reflect on the season, gushing over Guy’s legal pad (which belongs in the Smithonsian), sending a heartfelt thanks to all the special guests (including two people who were actually on MTV, Dan Cortese and Room Raiders Mike), and a special shout out to the podcast’s number one fan and most prepared guest, Eddie Jones, an award winning Jeopardy star who’s not been on Jeopardy (yet). Heather and Jameson discuss future seasons, perhaps conspiracy theories, Saturday morning cartoons, 80s sitcoms, or running an advice column via podcast. Our Gen Experts’ summer plans include cycling, fried dough, reading, disc golf, international travel, boating (well, yachting), and new jobs (maybe). Jameson provides a mini lecture on transgendered frogs during the final Listen to this Shit, check it out here: Final Top Countdown features the one and only Britney Spears and “Baby One More Time”. And Heather and Jameson offer up one last Desert Island Top Five before signing off! Please send cake, thanks.

05 jul 2022 - 35 min
episode How to Fix MTV artwork
How to Fix MTV

With only two episodes left in this season, Heather and Jameson are here to fix MTV. They are joined by the final guests of the season, Eddie and Guy, who stop by to add a little intellectual flair into the discussion of “where did MTV go wrong?” Eddie clues us in on the venn diagram of Michael Bolton and O.J., Guy still has not found his legal pads, Heather is curious if Julie is caught up on Ex on the Beach, and Jameson is mad about frogs, which tracks. Both Guy and Eddie talk about their days as college radio jockeys, Jameson reads from the TV Guide and lets everyone know what’s on MTV today (spoiler: reality shows for hours), and everyone gets to celebrate the new queer prom king at Eddie’s high school. Check out the articles about the demise of MTV here: [] and here: []. Everyone agrees, ditch Teen Mom and bring back Martha Quinn. And happy pride everyone!

28 jun 2022 - 53 min
episode A Very Special Episode: Jameson Picks a Movie artwork
A Very Special Episode: Jameson Picks a Movie

This week Heather and Jameson take a break from MTV for this very special bonus episode as Jameson picks a movie, Drop Dead Gorgeous! The Gen Experts are joined by special guest Fin, aka “mybestfriendfin”, who alongside Jameson has this film memorized. If you haven’t seen it, Drop Dead Gorgeous is a 1999 mockumentary featuring a beauty pageant in small town Mt. Rose, Minnesota. This film is available for the low low price of $10 on Amazon, as you can’t stream this film anywhere. Jameson reminds us why Generation X is hands down the coolest generation of them all with this article: Desert Island Top Five is a class top five, with some beauty pageant superlatives tossed in. We hope by next season, Fin learns her computer password. Remember, folks, Jesus loves winners.

21 jun 2022 - 39 min
episode The Next Bus artwork
The Next Bus

With only a handful of episodes left, Heather and Jameson round out the season exploring one last element of MTV, the reality-based dating game show “Next”. Next is a blind date show that involves a creepy bus that likely smells like farts, some cash and a heavy dose of sexual assault, sexual harassment, racist comments, sexist comments, fatphobia, making fun of virgins, and a heavy emphasis on toxic heteronormativity. Heather and Jameson give Next two thumbs down, if you were wondering. You can explore more about how Next has not aged well in this Buzzfeed article [] and chuckle at the funniest facts from the bus here in this other Buzzfeed article []. If you’d like to torture yourself, you can watch Next on Paramount using Jameson’s password, just message us. Speaking of torture, Heather and Jameson watch Shakira’s video for La Tortura which is quite possibly the world’s sexiest video and the opposite of torture. Listen to this Shit features an AMA with a Next bus contestant and Heather offers her book review of the 2022 “Boy with a Bird in his Chest” (eh, you can skip it).

14 jun 2022 - 30 min
episode MTV's Made artwork
MTV's Made

As Heather and Jameson start to wrap up this season of Gen X Guide to the Universe, they continue their historical analysis of MTV with the reality makeover show “Made”, which empowered teens to reach their lofty goals to be cheerleaders, ideal boyfriend, rappers, circus performers, or other crap. Spoiler: if you haven’t watched Made, you can skip the show. Jameson is intrigued by the promise of a show that allows people to change their narrative and attain their goals, but again, this show does not deliver. Heather and Jameson read each other’s show notes, and learn “hot cross buns” is hard and Ashley is a whiny circus performer who cries a lot. Jameson fills us in on bigfoot facts, since he didn’t do his podcast homework. Fun fact: bigfoot smells like 700 pounds of swampy, drain hair. And the plural of bigfoot is bigfoots, not bigfeet.  And to also avoid talking about Made, Heather and Jameson talk about sandwiches. Jameson introduces 99 Problems to Heather, who never heard the song prior to this podcast. And Heather and Jameson share their dream “Made” list (no Jameson, you can’t be made taller). And podcast dog Nugget sings with the sirens for us all.

07 jun 2022 - 31 min
Soy muy de podcasts. Mientras hago la cama, mientras recojo la casa, mientras trabajo… Y en Podimo encuentro podcast que me encantan. De emprendimiento, de salid, de humor… De lo que quiera! Estoy encantada 👍
MI TOC es feliz, que maravilla. Ordenador, limpio, sugerencias de categorías nuevas a explorar!!!
Me suscribi con los 14 días de prueba para escuchar el Podcast de Misterios Cotidianos, pero al final me quedo mas tiempo porque hacia tiempo que no me reía tanto. Tiene Podcast muy buenos y la aplicación funciona bien.
App ligera, eficiente, encuentras rápido tus podcast favoritos. Diseño sencillo y bonito. me gustó.
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La App va francamente bien y el precio me parece muy justo para pagar a gente que nos da horas y horas de contenido. Espero poder seguir usándola asiduamente.

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