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Podcast de McAfee

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We see lots of movies and TV shows where hackers can infiltrate our lives with just a few keystrokes. But is it real? We’re here to find out. Malicious cat photos, sketchy Wi-Fi networks, rogue rentals, all-knowing webcams - those are just a few topics tackled in Hackable?, where we let our hackers shed light on just how secure we really are. Winner of Best Branded Podcast - 10th Annual Shorty Awards. 

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39 episodios
episode Gone Phishin’ artwork
Gone Phishin’
Phishing scams that disguise malware or malicious intent in messages are extremely common. Just how do hackers keep reeling in victims? On this episode, we learn exactly how phishing works from the hacker’s perspective, and cast a phishing line of our own.
03 dic 2019 - 37 min
episode Porch Piracy artwork
Porch Piracy
The more people shop online, the more thieves swipe packages. Are smart padlocks a secure solution? Or can they be cracked open by hackers? On this episode, Geoff joins the McAfee Advanced Threat Research team for some technical porch piracy.
19 nov 2019 - 29 min
episode Introducing: Malicious Life artwork
Introducing: Malicious Life
This week, we’re bringing you a story from our friends over at Malicious Life - a podcast about the history of cybersecurity. If movies have taught us anything, it’s that if you want to rob a bank, you dress up as the cleaning crew. The people behind the huge hack of Target in 2013 must have seen one action film too many, because when they decided to hack one of the biggest retailers in the world, they did it via the HVAC maintenance systems’ computers.
12 nov 2019 - 35 min
episode False Charges artwork
False Charges
It's always stressful when your phone's battery is low, but are some charging stations and USB cables dangerous to plug into? On this episode of “Hackable?” Geoff finds out just how much damage a hacker can do if you charge your phone with a secretly sinister cable.
05 nov 2019 - 30 min
episode Who's Watching artwork
Who's Watching
Streaming devices make dumb TVs smart and smart TVs, well, smarter. But does that mean that a hacker can hijack your binge-watching? We invite white-hat Craig Young back on the show to learn whether there’s anything particularly vulnerable about these popular smart boxes and sticks.
22 oct 2019 - 30 min

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Me suscribi con los 14 días de prueba para escuchar el Podcast de Misterios Cotidianos, pero al final me quedo mas tiempo porque hacia tiempo que no me reía tanto. Tiene Podcast muy buenos y la aplicación funciona bien.
App ligera, eficiente, encuentras rápido tus podcast favoritos. Diseño sencillo y bonito. me gustó.
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