Joy Break by RESET
Podcast de Shani Carter
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Todos los episodios
3 episodiosJerren Chang [] is Co-Founder of GenUnity [], a new organization that creates civic leadership programs to help people of all backgrounds build their civic muscle. He talks to us about: tackling systemic problems through collective ownership in the political process; why you can't detangle empathy from effective leadership; and how meditation plays a big role in professional meetings (you'll want to try this!).
Jesse Link [] is the co-founder and co-CEO of Rella [], the first project management platform to modernize and centralize the wedding planning process. He tells us: why love isn't cancelled amidst the pandemic; how his definition of "work" has changed since starting a company with his twin sister; and his tips for building better breaks (often with coffee) :)
Nichole Bestman [] is the founder of ShipFair [], a mobile platform that leverages excess luggage capacity to deliver goods around the world. She tells us:what startups and Les Twins have in common; how she supports her mental health amidst the pandemic and racial unrest; why her shared Liberian-American heritage gives her optimism for the future; and, of course, how she finds joy ;)
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