Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
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Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

Podcast de Love to Live Healthy

Listen to Josephine speak about the connection between mind, body and spirit, where she will be covering topics on all of the relationships that are connected in your life:  spiritual energy, manifestation, career, family, friends, and of course health and weight loss. Josephine Fitzpatrick is an author, nutritionist and spiritual leader who believes everything is connected through energy in the spiritual world, and the growth of your mind, body and soul is going to be based on how you use those energies.  By listening to weekly episodes, you can expect to learn the secrets and skills of how to use your energies to reach your ultimate goals, and achieve all the joy and bliss the universe has to offer you. 

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253 episodios

Think what you can accomplish if you start TODAY. Make resolutions now while the rest of the world is waiting to get started in January. September has an electric air. A fresh start. Everyone is back on schedule. So now is the perfect time for a fresh start while fall begins. Start with creating resolutions. How do you go about these resolutions? LISTEN NOW TO THE PODCAST EPISODE TO FIND OUT HOW WITH A STEP BY STEP GUIDE. I also share real clients “WHY”’- the reason they want to lose weight. I think it is extremely powerful to share these because it motivates you and there are so many reasons to fuel you. That is the most important part- the reasoning behind your journey.

10 sept 2024 - 8 min

In this podcast, I give you MULTIPLE options for the upcoming holiday weekend whether you want to lose or maintain. Utilizing the detoxes and fast in all new ways. AND my top recommendation for which method is best and also doable to feel great going into September. EVEN if you have plans for the weekend, you can utilize these methods and see which one you are able to do! Listen now!

28 ago 2024 - 10 min
episode Celebrate the Small Wins artwork
Celebrate the Small Wins

The main takeaway of this week’s podcast is that the steps of all the SMALL WINS get you to the BIG GOALS. The best way to go about it is to set up small goals first. Your small wins are what brings you the biggest success.  The small wins matter more than you think . THE DAYS, WEEKS AND POUNDS LOST EACH WEEK ADD UP. When you see the texts with clients losing big numbers like 20, 30 pounds - guess what? They all started with small wins FIRST! With each accomplishment, you are working on your mind, and mental and physical health. Listen now to learn how to build on each day with another great day and be in the best possible mindset!

21 ago 2024 - 10 min
episode HELLO AUGUST artwork

Summer days in August are a time where it’s harder to stay on track, but it’s doable and necessary because you want to go into September feeling good. The program WORKS when you follow it. Losing or maintaining are both successful, and clients are doing both and being mindful all Summer. Look at each week you have coming up and decide what you want out of it. Decide by what you have going on in terms of plans, etc and then make a plan of how you are going to move forward. THINK SMART, ACT SMARTER. Make the good days count. Be amazing on the days you can be- because each of these instances matter. At the end of August, we have to accept what we have done. Stay mindful and think before you act. You want to feel and look your best.

31 jul 2024 - 8 min
episode FEELING OVERWHELMED!? artwork

It is easy to feel overwhelmed, stressed and overworked this time of year. Whether its work, events, social, whatever it is that you have going on, the most important thing is to keep doing things to move you forward. Especially in a world where it is so easy to compare ourselves to others, celebrities and social media.  In this episode of The Love to Live Healthy Show, I go over an impactful client example where a client went from being completely overwhelmed, to her new low!! Listen also to 5 helpful tips that will help you get over your state of being overwhelmed.

24 jul 2024 - 10 min
Soy muy de podcasts. Mientras hago la cama, mientras recojo la casa, mientras trabajo… Y en Podimo encuentro podcast que me encantan. De emprendimiento, de salid, de humor… De lo que quiera! Estoy encantada 👍
MI TOC es feliz, que maravilla. Ordenador, limpio, sugerencias de categorías nuevas a explorar!!!
Me suscribi con los 14 días de prueba para escuchar el Podcast de Misterios Cotidianos, pero al final me quedo mas tiempo porque hacia tiempo que no me reía tanto. Tiene Podcast muy buenos y la aplicación funciona bien.
App ligera, eficiente, encuentras rápido tus podcast favoritos. Diseño sencillo y bonito. me gustó.
contenidos frescos e inteligentes
La App va francamente bien y el precio me parece muy justo para pagar a gente que nos da horas y horas de contenido. Espero poder seguir usándola asiduamente.

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