Man In The Window: The Golden State Killer
Podcast gratuito

Man In The Window: The Golden State Killer

Podcast de Los Angeles Times | Wondery

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In Man in the Window, Paige St. John, a Pulitzer Prize winning investigative reporter has uncovered never before revealed details about the man who would eventually become one of California's most deadly serial killers. From Wondery and the L.A. Times comes a new series that traces his path of devastation through his victims' eyes. 

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12 episodios
episode Introducing 'Foretold' artwork
Introducing 'Foretold'
"Foretold" is the newest podcast from the L.A. Times, and we're sharing a preview of the first episode with you here today.  In the fall of 2019, reporter Faith E. Pinho received a tip from a woman named Paulina Stevens. Paulina claimed she had grown up in an insular Romani community in California, where she was raised to be a wife, mother and fortuneteller — until she decided to break away. That first call unraveled a story spanning multiple continents, hundreds of years, and complex metaphysical realities.   Follow "Foretold" to hear new episodes every Tuesday [].
18 may 2023 - 8 min
episode Evil | 10 artwork
Evil | 10
In court, Joseph DeAngelo looks like a broken shell of a man. The prosecution seeks to reveal a different man, one trying to manipulate the courts.. An explosive video shows what really happened in the interrogation room. The victims can finally speak directly to Joseph DeAngelo. Will this at last give them justice?
22 dic 2020 - 48 min
episode The Many Faces of Joseph DeAngelo | 9 artwork
The Many Faces of Joseph DeAngelo | 9
Police interrogators can’t pry answers from Joseph DeAngelo but hear him whispering when left alone. Is it all just an act? What is the true face of Joseph DeAngelo? As DeAngelo withers away in jail, his victims want justice. They force a meeting in the Sacramento DA’s office -- demanding DeAngelo pay for all his crimes.
15 dic 2020 - 47 min
episode The Missing | 8 artwork
The Missing | 8
Episode 8: A group of victims finally break their silence. It begins with an early morning phone call.
24 sept 2019 - 36 min
episode The Language of Rape | 7 artwork
The Language of Rape | 7
Episode 7: Paige St. John sits down with fellow journalist Laura Beil to discuss why victims, police and the media struggle with how to talk about rape.
02 jul 2019 - 33 min

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