The Kipling Balance
Podcast gratuito

The Kipling Balance

Podcast de IE University

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Hosted by the distinguished Chairman of IE International Advisory Board, Pablo Isla, this podcast introduces you to a series of captivating conversations featuring prominent corporate luminaries. Together, they embark on a practical and immersive exploration of success dynamics, offering invaluable insights into personal and professional growth.Prepare for thought-provoking dialogues that transcend conventional boundaries. Our discussions touch upon a broad spectrum of subjects, including business, leadership, innovation, and personal development. With guests hailing from diverse industries and sectors, there's something here for everyone, promising a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.Join us as we unravel the secrets to navigating the ever-shifting tides of success and failure. Subscribe to 'The Kipling Balance' and embark on a journey toward a more balanced and enlightened path in life. 

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4 episodios
episode How conviction leads to impact artwork
How conviction leads to impact
In the latest episode of The Kipling Balance, Ignacio S. Galán, Executive Chairman at Iberdrola, talks to Pablo Isla about the importance of authenticity and conviction in creating positive change. Tune in to hear the exclusive insights from two high-impact executives.
20 feb 2024 - 45 min
episode The calm during the storm artwork
The calm during the storm
For our second episode of The Kipling Balance, we were joined by Carlos Torres, Chair of BBVA. The conversation, led by Pablo Isla, explored the main ingredients that make up a stellar leader—from authenticity to courage, self-confidence, and leading by example. The two also discussed the "magic” of education in shaping individuals and improving society. Tune in to discover a talk that’s brimming with insights that are relevant for any leader in any industry.
19 dic 2023 - 48 min
episode A call for resilience and the strength of will artwork
A call for resilience and the strength of will
In this first episode of The Kipling Balance, Pablo Isla, Chairman IE International Advisory Board and former CEO Inditex, interviews José María Álvarez-Pallete, President of Telefonica. José María choose this verse of the poem ""If"" by Rudyard Kipling for the Q&A: “If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, and so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’ If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch” This verse is a call for resilience and the strength of will. It encourages the reader to persist in the face of adversity, even when it feels like there's nothing left to give, relying on the power of one's determination to keep moving forward. It's a reminder that the human spirit can achieve remarkable things through sheer willpower and perseverance. Join us to see their view and experience and how this helped them become great leaders!
28 nov 2023 - 45 min
episode Welcome to The Kipling Balance artwork
Welcome to The Kipling Balance
Hosted by the distinguished Chairman of IE International Advisory Board, Pablo Isla, this podcast introduces you to a series of captivating conversations featuring prominent corporate luminaries. Together, they embark on a practical and immersive exploration of success dynamics, offering invaluable insights into personal and professional growth. Prepare for thought-provoking dialogues that transcend conventional boundaries. Our discussions touch upon a broad spectrum of subjects, including business, leadership, innovation, and personal development. With guests hailing from diverse industries and sectors, there's something here for everyone, promising a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. Join us as we unravel the secrets to navigating the ever-shifting tides of success and failure. Subscribe to 'The Kipling Balance' and embark on a journey toward a more balanced and enlightened path in life.
28 nov 2023 - 49 s

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