The Lazarus Heist
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The Lazarus Heist

Podcast de BBC World Service

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Hackers, North Korea and billions of dollars. Lazarus returns – in fact, the criminals never went away. Season 2 begins at an ATM, possibly near you. With Jean Lee and Geoff White. Investigators claim a secretive, elite North Korean hacking ring, nicknamed the Lazarus Group, is responsible for the theft of billions of dollars around the globe. Pyongyang denies having anything to do with cybercrimes, saying the United States is making these allegations to try to tarnish its image. Season 1 told the stories of the Lazarus Group's alleged hacks on Sony Pictures Entertainment and Bangladesh Bank and the WannaCry ransomware attack. 

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22 episodios
episode S2.9 Big spenders artwork
S2.9 Big spenders
“Are you a North Korean hacker? Yes, I am.” Investigators say money from the Lazarus Group’s hacks is flowing into Kim Jong-un’s nuclear weapons programme. Can it be stopped? #LazarusHeist
21 may 2023 - 40 min
episode S2.8 Bitcoin bandits artwork
S2.8 Bitcoin bandits
From millions to billions: the Lazarus Group get into cryptocurrency. North Korea tries to infiltrate companies from the inside, posing as job seekers. “We had a North Korean on our payroll”. Can investigators stop them cashing out their digital loot? #LazarusHeist
14 may 2023 - 36 min
episode S2.7 Crypto comrades artwork
S2.7 Crypto comrades
It’s North Korea’s first crypto conference. Eight international tech experts decide to go but someone is watching. Their every move in Pyongyang is followed and they soon regret the trip. “I was put in handcuffs and taken to an interrogation centre.” #LazarusHeist
07 may 2023 - 37 min
episode S2.6 False flags artwork
S2.6 False flags
“He wrote me beautiful letters!” A “bromance” begins between President Trump and Kim Jong-un but how long will it last? The US president’s former security advisor, Ambassador John Bolton, reveals what happens inside the summit room when the two leaders meet face to face. Plus, the Olympic Destroyer hackers are finally unmasked – but who are they? #LazarusHeist
30 abr 2023 - 37 min
episode S2.5 ‘Olympic Destroyer’ artwork
S2.5 ‘Olympic Destroyer’
Hackers attack the Winter Olympics, during the opening ceremony in South Korea. Who is responsible? Fingers point to North Korea but it has joined forces with its neighbour and even sent a team. Why would they want to sabotage it? What’s going on? #LazarusHeist
23 abr 2023 - 25 min

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