Love to Hate You
Äänikirja by Head of Zeus
Can your worst enemy become the love of your life? A fun, feisty, feel-good romance for fans of Sophie Kinsella and Meg Cabot. Jennifer and Ian have known each other for seven years. They are leaders of two different teams in the same London bank, and are constantly engaged in a running battle to be number one. Ian is a handsome, wealthy and sought-after bachelor; Jennifer is a feisty, independent lawyer. When they are thrown together to work on the same project, Ian makes Jenny an offer she can't refuse: to have free reign of their rich client if she pretends to be his girlfriend. Soon, it becomes more and more difficult to tell the difference between fiction and reality... What readers are saying about LOVE TO HATE YOU: 'A light-hearted novel about love, (im)possibilities and challenges in the workplace' Tu Style. 'Anna Premoli, for me, is the best of the genre. This book made me laugh and fall in love – I read it four times!' 'I loved this novel from beginning to end... If you want a book that is fun and romantic at the same time, I would definitely recommend it.' -
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